3DMARK06 Scores Here

this is my result with 8600GT with X2 6000.

Main Test Results

3DMark Score 5708 3DMarks

SM 2.0 Score 2411 Marks

SM 3.0 Score 2101 Marks

CPU Score 2450 Marks

if you get 8600gts, it will spank my 8600gt.

ok, thanks for the scores, I can get an overclocked 8600gts(700/2100mhz) for around $169. Also, kornowski thanks for the website.
[-0MEGA-];686063 said:
IMO you would be better off spending a bit more and getting the 8800GTS.

I can get an overclocked 8600GTS for $169 on newegg, the cheapest 8800GTS is $269, I can't see spending another $100 on a card. I'm not a big gamer, and I don't have a lot of money right now, so if i go with a DX10 card, it will most likely be the 8600GTS. THanks omega and everyone else for all the input.
I can get an overclocked 8600GTS for $169 on newegg, the cheapest 8800GTS is $269, I can't see spending another $100 on a card. I'm not a big gamer, and I don't have a lot of money right now, so if i go with a DX10 card, it will most likely be the 8600GTS. THanks omega and everyone else for all the input.
Oh, I was thinking they were under $250, I guess that was just a one time deel.
3DMark Score 9273 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score 3848 Marks
SM 3.0 Score 3678 Marks
CPU Score 3431 Marks

haven't had the time to oc anything yet =/
3DMark Score 9273 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score 3848 Marks
SM 3.0 Score 3678 Marks
CPU Score 3431 Marks

haven't had the time to oc anything yet =/
Thats pretty good, but you have to be able to beat my score with an 8800GTS and a C2D E6300, which got 10,092.
lol thank you for posting omega...i posted to get some comparisons =D
Say I'm trying to break 10000, would overclocking the cpu to 3ghz be enough, or do I have to overclock the video card as well...maybe it's overkill, chances are I'm not gonna oc anything until i need to..(when crysis comes out >_>), because I can run lost planet on full everything in dx10 at 48fps avg according to fraps...hl2 ep1 at 60fps at 1920x1080
lol thank you for posting omega...i posted to get some comparisons =D
Say I'm trying to break 10000, would overclocking the cpu to 3ghz be enough, or do I have to overclock the video card as well...maybe it's overkill, chances are I'm not gonna oc anything until i need to..(when crysis comes out >_>), because I can run lost planet on full everything in dx10 at 48fps avg according to fraps...hl2 ep1 at 60fps at 1920x1080
I forgot to mention, my CPU was at 3.21Ghz and the GPU was at 660/1980 I believe.

If you overclock to 2.8Ghz you should be able to easily pass 10K.
oh LOL, I got scared that I did something wrong installing cpu when I saw that you beat it with a 6300 >_>.
oh LOL, I got scared that I did something wrong installing cpu when I saw that you beat it with a 6300 >_>.

haha, ya I should have said that in the original post :p

BTW, it was the 640MB version, since it was back in November. But that doesnt make much of a difference.
i posted the gtx score awhile back, heres the xt score

after OCing to 3.0ghz...I only see about a 200 point improvement D:
3DMark Score 9573 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score 3863 Marks
SM 3.0 Score 3673 Marks
CPU Score 4218 Marks

EDIT: Considering that the OC is forcing me to jump to 1.33v with such minor improvement, I'm probably just gonna go down to 2.8
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lol sorry for posting again, but let me suggest that you guys close sidebar when you do this...
Changes from last time, I oc'd video card to 650/1950 (975x2) and closed windows sidebar and aim when I did it this time. brought my score up almost 2000 points.

lol sorry for posting again, but let me suggest that you guys close sidebar when you do this...
Changes from last time, I oc'd video card to 650/1950 (975x2) and closed windows sidebar and aim when I did it this time. brought my score up almost 2000 points.


I'll have to OC my CPU and vid card, so I can beat you and, I didn't turn off sidebar :eek: Competition?