3DMARK06 Scores Here

Heres my CPU score:

Bootup05 said:
get overclocking n you can probably get around 400 - 600 more:D
My Comp is pretty new so i dont want to cock it yet because if something goes wrong theres no way replacing the part for a new one, i will wait a bit.
Burgon said:
My Comp is pretty new so i dont want to cock it yet because if something goes wrong theres no way replacing the part for a new one, i will wait a bit.

I'm pretty sure nobody wants to cock their PC's:rolleyes:
[-0MEGA-] said:
Nice, i bet you could beat my score (1941) with a little oc'in.
Probably, but the CPU is the one thing I don't want to **** with.. the GPU is easy to OC, but I can truly **** my CPU, so I'll wait until I'm either playing a game that doesn't optimize dual core in the future, or when I HAVE to.
just got my new monitor so i decided to rerun this
i disabled all of the background apps and i did better then my first time
2681 overall score with a cpu score of 1101. I guess those dual cores make quite a difference with the cpu score on this benchmarker. It seems the newer cards also kick some butt.

Damn this computer isn't that old and it's already getting it's butt kicked on this benchmark. It does it's job but maybe in the future I'll upgrade the board, cpu and card. Video editing and gaming will be much improved.
I think 3DMark06 is geared more for dual core. Same system with AMD 4000+ highest score was 4947. I'm saving to get 2x1GB Corsair XMS 2-3-2-6 ... see if that will improve my score :)
ItlanChode said:
Probably, but the CPU is the one thing I don't want to **** with.. the GPU is easy to OC, but I can truly **** my CPU, so I'll wait until I'm either playing a game that doesn't optimize dual core in the future, or when I HAVE to.
It's very hard to damage your cpu from overclocking, unless you go crazy and raise the voltage to an extremely high level.

aqua marine said:
I think 3DMark06 is geared more for dual core. Same system with AMD 4000+ highest score was 4947. I'm saving to get 2x1GB Corsair XMS 2-3-2-6 ... see if that will improve my score :)
The CPU tests have both a single threaded and multi-threaded test, so yes dual-core or cpu's with HT get a better score.
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