3DMARK06 Scores Here

fade2green514 said:
actually, that seems like it could be really cool...
i bet it would take ALOT of stress off the processor...
and actually i bet it would score alot higher in the 3dmark06 cpu tests... i guess it needs testing lol..

hmm... how do i go about getting one of those?? lol
what interface i wonder.. and will it be PIB like AMD procs... processor in a box, rather than bought with a computer from alienware or something?
Currently only Alienware has them available, but heres a link to them:
God of Black Flame said:
alright, here's my best 3dMark06 score.

is that a good pickup in points for adding another 6800 in SLi? (my original was 2166, and this is my first 3dMark program) or am i suffering from a CPU bottleneck or soemthing of the sort?

That score is just poor man. Sorry but I got 2666 with my previous comp.. It had AMD XP 3200+ 2.2GHz Barton and 6800GT 420/1190MHz and 1Gb of RAM..
I havent even tried 3DMark with current comp..

And those physics cards would be nice add to system if you ask me :) Amazing results it gives http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=1362
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fade2green514 said:
actually, that seems like it could be really cool...
i bet it would take ALOT of stress off the processor...
and actually i bet it would score alot higher in the 3dmark06 cpu tests... i guess it needs testing lol..

hmm... how do i go about getting one of those?? lol
what interface i wonder.. and will it be PIB like AMD procs... processor in a box, rather than bought with a computer from alienware or something?
next month....
my 3d Mark 06 score

i just got 5078 3d Marks - i reckon thats pretty good - is that what my computer should be getting or is it under/overperforming?
i ordered it at the beginning or March, but only picked it up at easter... i wasn't very happy with waiting 6 weeks but its here now and i'm enjoying it!
they even stuffed up my order - i wanted an a8n32-dlx because of the onboard wireless, but they got the A8N-premium... when i told them they decided to throw in a 108Mbps wireless adapter for free so i cant complain about that! and the reduced the video card by $150 for me!
stolz said:
how is that score for the specs in my sig? nothing is overclocked

Your score is not valid, the test must be run at default resolution which is 1280x1024. :rolleyes:

Sure you can use any setting you want but be sure to mention this in your post, or this thread will become rather useless to members wanting to compare their system with others. I've seen some more than questionable posts so far.
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Every poster in this thread must clearly state if any setting has been changed from the default to obtain given score. If no such info is given the score will be assumed valid for comparison.
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good catch tweaker! i wouldn't have noticed that! lol who spends money on the software just so they can post a better score?
really... i mean you're hardware still performs the same, and your down however much the program costs lol...
i just use the trial version :)

btw, 3dmark06 has BEAUTIFUL GRAPHICS! the colors and detail!
lol this is why i love my video card... lol
score's in the sig... lol :)
tweaker said:
Every poster in this thread must clearly state if any setting has been changed from the default to obtain given score. If no such info is given the score will be assumed valid for comparison.
Very good point.

Or you can say that they should get the Demo in order to achieve acurate comparisons. SInce the full version has different tests, in addition to the ability to change settins, so that itself might affect the score.
lol this is making me want to upgrade my video card... badly...
lol 7900gtx all the way!!
wait nvm those pricess... lol
edit: DUAL 7900gtx all the way! haha... that would be over $1000 though... not worth it.. haha
The PRO version that you pay for do unlock some extra test settings to play around with yes, it does not however affect the 3Dmark score obtained when being run at the default settings.

Now back on topic. :)
tweaker said:
The PRO version that you pay for do unlock some extra test settings to play around with yes, it does not however affect the 3Dmark score obtained when being run at the default settings.

Now back on topic. :)
You sure? I thought if you had the PRO version then the Feature and Batch Size tests were selected as default. I think i ran the Pro and Demo version of '03, and my score wasnt affected too much. So i guess the big thing is people changing the resolutions and AA.
Heres my score:

Im going to get a better video card, but i think the cpu score is pretty nice.
[-0MEGA-] said:
Heres my score:

Im going to get a better video card, but i think the cpu score is pretty nice.

not bad.. kills my cpu score of 1499. then again, i haven't overclocked at all....
id have to run it again to get the correct res to send it as a good quality pic...
but my score was 4508
SM2.0 was 1767
HDR/SM3.0 was 1786
and cpu was 1970
omega if you want the screenshot i've got it but the quality is too high for this forum...
my screen res is 1280x1024 and i forgot to change it when i took the screenshot... w/e
btw 4508 > 2172 :p
[-0MEGA-] said:
very nice, i only got 130pts lower, not bad for an intel :p
lol or an x1600pro :p
is it stable at 3.6?
i hope to hit 2.8ghz with water cooling :)
lol overclock.net helped me a lot with the o/c
btw what do you score in sisoftware?
also, let me correct you: "not bad for a " chip based on pentium 4 cores.
haha conroe will be good! even though intel designed it! :p
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