3DMARK06 Scores Here

fade2green514 said:
lol or an x1600pro :p
is it stable at 3.6?
i hope to hit 2.8ghz with water cooling :)
lol overclock.net helped me a lot with the o/c
btw what do you score in sisoftware?
also, let me correct you: "not bad for a " chip based on pentium 4 cores.
haha conroe will be good! even though intel designed it! :p
im buying a new card.

Yes it's stable at 3.6

What are your temps now?
tweaker said:
Your score is not valid, the test must be run at default resolution which is 1280x1024. :rolleyes:

Sure you can use any setting you want but be sure to mention this in your post, or this thread will become rather useless to members wanting to compare their system with others. I've seen some more than questionable posts so far.
As of the current moment, the monitor that i have cannot support that resolution...i am in the process of purchasing a 20 inch widescreen
I did not know about the resolution having to be set at 1280x1024 so i will post a new score when i get my monitor
[-0MEGA-] said:
This isnt 3DMark, but i couldnt find where else to put this, and i didnt want to start my own thread.

What do you think of this bench? I was able to get my cpu to 3.8Ghz, but it wasnt completely stable.
Lets keep this thread clean, 3DMark results only. The post will be deleted.
The mighty R580 currently burning in, so nothing is overclocked. Untweaked OS with all services running.

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Wow Tweaker, when did you get that card? And if you dont mind me saying, but that was pretty dumb to get the XTX instead of the XT, since its only like 100Mhz slower.

And what was your overall score on that?
[-0MEGA-] said:
if you dont mind me saying, but that was pretty dumb to get the XTX instead of the XT, since its only like 100Mhz slower.

25MHz faster core, 100MHz faster memory to be precise.

Well this XTX was $15 more than the XT so what the heck. :)

And what was your overall score on that?

tweaker said:
25MHz faster core, 100MHz faster memory to be precise.

Well this XTX was $15 more than the XT so what the heck. :)
Oh, i was thinking they were at least $100 difference, at least they were when they first came out.
how accurate is 3dMark06? i ask because previously my highest score was 2621 and i ran it again today, jsut for the hell of it without changing anythign in my computer (well, except my desktop image...yeah), and it jumped up to 2852. that just seems a little excessive for a margin of error. did i miss somethign or is that common?
Maybe then when your score was lower you were running some programs in the background and it took some of your RAM, I heard that 3DMark06 uses RAM alot unlike the previous versions, not sure though.
I just ran 3DMark06 on my notebook (listed below) and my scores seem really low. I had an overall score of 3673 and I ranged between .3FPS on the CPU test and 17FPS on deep freeze (the highest). I'm thinking I might need to update my nVidia driver again and test it. I closed all background programs so the load on my CPU was almost nothing. Any ideas?

I just updated my video driver to the latest off of the Sager website I raised it to 3790. My FPS still sucked.
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Maybe I didn't do too bad afterall. I'll play around with some different drivers and see if I can get over 4000.
tweaker's sig said:
SmithField 830 3.3GHz [220x15]
Intel D955XBK
2GB Samsung DDR2 PC4300
HIS X1900XTX 512MB Avivo [710/820]
Antec NeoPower HE 550W

all stock
Thats not all stock :p