The Hate On Apple Thread

WOW i can build a pc on newegg for cheaper than a mac.. mac's must be overpriced! also they are just bad because.. .they're really bad and not as cool as my PC that i built all by myself!

this thread sucks btw
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Both Macs and PCs are good, and have their strengths. Neither are perfect, neither never crash, and neither are immune to faulty hardware.

I will say this..Apple is the master of upselling. Not from an advertising or sales associate point of view (though it does play an important role), but more on a product selection point of view. Apple strategically only has a select few models, and all with a lot of high quality components and features..including the ones most people don't need. If you don't give the user a choice to have an option, they have to buy it all. Since a lot of people prefer macs thats a lot of people being sold crap they don't need(yay for recessions, lol). That is why I will never buy a mac new.
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However, since "teh specz r bad for gamez, and i can't buildz it myself" people dismiss them as rubbish.

This is pretty much the basis of almost all hate against Macs (well in my opinion). Mostly because the debates we know are from this forum and this forum (again in my opinion) is made up from game playing people, well I think the majority is at least. People who use computers to play games want to have super sweet graphics and latest and greatest and be able to upgrade and tinker the computer themselves and since a Mac (the Mac Pro I think is the one most people refer to) really doesn't do that then they think it sucks.

There are more things out there than just games people! From what I know of macs is they come pre-installed with some pretty cool software, like some good movie/sound editing and all that? Not sure but sounds right. Then there are a lot of people who would rather buy a mac with that installed rather than buy a PC (or build) and then pay again for software.

Mac sucks. Windows sucks. Linux sucks. All other operating systems suck.

I'm pretty sure computers suck in general:D.

EDIT: Oh and to the overprice thing, have you heard of something called a profit?
And to elitist comments, just deal with it. Many people on here deal with elitists all the time(hehe they'll understand), so I prescribe 1 case of harden up to anyone being elitists about Apple/mac.
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This entire thread deserves to be put in the fail thread if possible.

Mac's have pros and cons
Pc's have pros and cons

Dell/HP/Compaq etc are garbage and should not be included in this debate.

Above text that is bolded is from a Mac fanboy trying to troll, but I will feed him anyway.

A computer regardless of make will lose money. Total cost of ownership is nothing but bs. A poorly maintained PC/Mac won't last long compared too a well maintained PC/Mac that will last 10 years(Sounds a lot like cars).

Security is moot as with the above it depends on the user. When I first built the rig in my sig I didn't even think about putting AV for a good month and a half. Funny as how I didn't getting malicious software. Simply being smart about how you use the internet is the best defence against someone trying to mess up your computer.

Nuff said
*Stands back and watches both sides fling glittery poo at each other*
Ah yes, I'm a true Apple fanboy. With my Windows computer and my HTC Desire running Android... :rolleyes: I must be an Apple fanboy because I have a Macbook Pro and an Apple avatar. Wow. Grow up, pillock.

The 2 things you highlighted from me are true. Look at the resale value of a 3 year old Mac vs a 3 year old PC. You can easily make back 2/3 of the original price with a Mac. You could never ever do that with a PC. Also, look at any customer satisfaction survey posted online and you will see Apple far above every other major PC manufacturer.
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i thought macs were supposed to have nice graphics cards? idk

macs were and probably still industry leaders for graphic design and video editing software... back before they put intel processors that was their main target it seemed. everyone that i knew that had one was either a professional graphic designer or a professional video editor.

macs didnt seem to become the "internet box" of choice until intel came into the picture.
However, I CANNOT agree to this

Why not? Its truth...I mean have you ever really inspected those pre-built garbage machines? The fact they don't die within 6 months always amazes me. I mean some of them run a i7 system with a 350w PSU and everyone is shocked when the sucker blows.

i thought macs were supposed to have nice graphics cards? idk

Nah they are behind us on graphics since games don't perform AS well yet on Macs. Plus you pay twice the price :P However Mac has a spark of hope as players like eVGA are making upgrades for the Mac now. Slowly the Mac is gaining ground...I however wont buy a Mac till I can build my system off newegg and use any parts I want at the same price as a PC.
Yea, I have old PCs that have been used to hell and back and are still chuggin' along. Dells are dependable, I don't know what your talking about.

Dells are NOT dependable, I can tell you that. Neither are Acer, HP Compaq and most other pre-built desktops.
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I actually did some quick reading after I posted that, and found that apple was a considerable contender for a SMB granted you had mac's but not necessary, but was a toss up between the 2 platforms. but Windows server owns the larger business and enterprises. that was probably a gimmie. Most notably the directory services in windows is much more robust and replication across many domain controllers is more efficient as the apple server uses the old WinNT theory of a PDC and BDC's. But Apple apparently has a much easier file and print sharing feature. Do you know if it has a shadow copy "like" feature?

Microsoft's server side technology is definitely pretty robust for sure. However, OD can replicate just like AD can. I can also set group policy via managed client and I can code it in Unix or use property lists, which is actually far more robust. Microsoft is learning that they need to up the ante when it comes to command line binaries, so they whipped up the power shell recently.

OS X Server does lack heavily in print management, but most other things like email, calendars, directory services, file replication, and so forth I would say it is on par for features. However, Apple has only had their server OS out there for less than a decade. MS has had some years on them.

i thought macs were supposed to have nice graphics cards? idk

macs were and probably still industry leaders for graphic design and video editing software... back before they put intel processors that was their main target it seemed. everyone that i knew that had one was either a professional graphic designer or a professional video editor.

macs didnt seem to become the "internet box" of choice until intel came into the picture.

They use high end screens and to be honest, video gaming cards don't really boost performance for anything but video games. It won't boost performance in video editing, audio editing, graphic design, and so forth. Even CUDA technology from Adobe is pretty much a joke.

This is pretty much the basis of almost all hate against Macs (well in my opinion). Mostly because the debates we know are from this forum and this forum (again in my opinion) is made up from game playing people, well I think the majority is at least. People who use computers to play games want to have super sweet graphics and latest and greatest and be able to upgrade and tinker the computer themselves and since a Mac (the Mac Pro I think is the one most people refer to) really doesn't do that then they think it sucks.

I hate to stereotype gamers all into one lump of people, but a lot of them don't know jack sh** about computers. I, not too long ago, was on the SCII forums reading up on Protoss strategies and I noticed a computer hardware thread so I figured since my expertise is in computers I'd help since a lot of the hardcore SCII share their strategies with the casual players like myself.

This guy was going to buy 12gig of RAM for his rig, and I told him no it is a waste of money, all you need is 4gigs. Later on I had to explain memory addressing, and that 32bit memory addressing can only access a maximum of 4gigs of RAM, period. At that point a lot of the gamers stopped arguing but a few hard headed ones kept coming at me. One was a gamer who was also some sort of 3D designer. He argued with me that every application is 64bit because he deals with 10+ gig files at work all the time. I then had to explain to him file size was limitation of the file system not the OS.

Several gamers called me a noob and an idiot blah blah blah then I actually showed them that Starcraft II is a 32-bit application, as is pretty much every video game you buy off the shelf today, and that having over 4gigs of RAM really doesn't give you any advantage unless you multi-task a ton.

There are so many self proclaimed experts in computing that don't even understand the fundamentals, then they like to create threads about how certain type of computer sucks, certain type of video card sucks, or how you need 8gigs of RAM, etc.

That is why I need to avoid posting in such threads as my intentions in the beginning are always to help, but in the end it always turns into an argument with people who are ignorant. Reminds me of an old saying....

"Never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
It makes more sense to keep the same Mac for 7 years rather than replace outdated Dell's every 3 years.

Wow...I thought a Mac and a PC have very similar hardware. A processor, RAM, HD, ect...

How exactly does a Apple not outdate and a Dell does?
Wow...I thought a Mac and a PC have very similar hardware. A processor, RAM, HD, ect...

How exactly does a Apple not outdate and a Dell does?

Closed system
no bloat
designed from the ground up.

I have a Mac from 2004 at my home, which runs 10.5.8 and is still blazing fast. Too bad it is PPC so it cannot run 10.6 otherwise it would run it no problem.

When you design every aspect of a computer, you can do things like give it longer replacement cycle life and make it run more efficient. Snow Leopard actually takes up less memory than Leopard. They cut out the fat in OS X 10.6.

Microsoft doesn't do that.
Closed system
no bloat
designed from the ground up.

I have a Mac from 2004 at my home, which runs 10.5.8 and is still blazing fast. Too bad it is PPC so it cannot run 10.6 otherwise it would run it no problem.

When you design every aspect of a computer, you can do things like give it longer replacement cycle life and make it run more efficient. Snow Leopard actually takes up less memory than Leopard. They cut out the fat in OS X 10.6.

Microsoft doesn't do that.

The software side does make sense I and my ignorance was thinking hardware only. Thanks for that tlarkin ;)

This thread can go on for years of people talking both ways :D
"Never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience."

Good one. You must be more patient then I am. I start getting frustrated, go off and scare the hell out of everybody in the room. lol
This thread can go on for years of people talking both ways :D

this debate will die when either MS or Apple dies. then it will be something else...

What i think is funnier than that MS/Apple war is the linux vs unix war (I actually had someone tell me that linux is for pussies and unix was the way to go, I was like seriously? That doesn't even make sense to call someone that for using a certain OS)... or even better linux vs linux ("ubuntu!" "no slackware noob!" "screw you all red hat baby!")
The software side does make sense I and my ignorance was thinking hardware only. Thanks for that tlarkin ;)

This thread can go on for years of people talking both ways :D

Yup and since Windows and Linux need to write their code for a wide variety of hardware configurations you get a sort of bloat, though Linux can be stripped down to the bare minimum as well. Which is why Linux is so genius on some levels. It is a very modular OS where you can take a kernel and a shell and then start wrapping up and compiling packages to fit your exact needs. It is very customizable to the point where you can build specific builds of Linux to fit exact needs with nothing else.

However, if you download the latest and greatest all-in-one package of Ubuntu which includes driver bundles, package bundles and so forth you start getting into the realm of bloat you see in OS X and in Windows. I use that term lightly here because neither really Linux or OS X bloat when compared to Windows.

Then you have Microsoft, which doesn't change their OS design, kernel design, and then decides to support tons and tons of legacy items and code. Things like virtual XP mode, or XP compatibility mode, support for old legacy device drivers where developers don't update their drivers. Hell just like at MS Office. You can go all the way back and save your Word Document as version 1.0 if you want to. They have to keep that old code in their product because they aren't a modular business model.

The more bloat you create the more hardware it takes to efficiently run it. Reminds me sort of this Java joke.

A group of 4 Microsoft .NET programmers and a group of 4 Java programmers are going on a train to an expo. The MS programmers buy a ticket each, and then watch the Java programmers proceed to buy one ticket between them.

The MS programmers are intrigued and when they get on the train, they watch the Java programmers to see what they do when the guard comes to check the tickets. It turns out that, before the guard comes, they all cram into the toilet. The guard knocks on the door, and asks for the ticket. The guard takes it from under the door, and slides it back.

The MS programmers are all impressed, so on the way back, they buy only one ticket. Only to watch the Java folks get on the train without buying a ticket at all.

When they get on the train, the MS people cram into the toilet, as they saw the Java folks on the earlier journey. The Java programmers then knock on the door, and say "Ticket please". The MS programmers slide the ticket under the door, as they saw the Java programmers do earlier.

"Thank you", they say. "You steal our methods, but you don't understand them."