...they aren't actually "used" unless you go out of your way to make your system look like Windows 95.Yes it is. Some have been updated, but they are still there.
$795 for upgradablity, and a bigger HDD, and overclocking
or this
$1100 with no upgradeablity and an annoying operating system.
Rant continued, Another thing I dislike about apple is their "artsy" operating system. I want to get things done, not marvel at the astetics of the operating system. The buttons for example, insted of being smart like windows, the OS has a red, a yellow and a green button for minimizing, maximize, and exiting. Those who have never used a computer before can at least predict what the windows buttons mean. Why on earth have just colors like that, that represents the whole OS. Less getting things done and more enjoying the pretty colors.
$795 for upgradablity, and a bigger HDD, and overclocking
or this
$1100 with no upgradeablity and an annoying operating system.
Rant continued, Another thing I dislike about apple is their "artsy" operating system. I want to get things done, not marvel at the astetics of the operating system. The buttons for example, insted of being smart like windows, the OS has a red, a yellow and a green button for minimizing, maximize, and exiting. Those who have never used a computer before can at least predict what the windows buttons mean. Why on earth have just colors like that, that represents the whole OS. Less getting things done and more enjoying the pretty colors.
You can also keep your monitor for PC, so you can upgrade you PC without throwing away a perfectly good monitor.
You can also keep your monitor for PC, so you can upgrade you PC without throwing away a perfectly good monitor.
The monitor you picked is indeed the same size as a larger mac, but not even close to the same specs.
1. The Apple is LED, Viewsonic is LCD
2. Apple one is backlit, Viewsonic is not
3. The Apple one is full Aluminium + glass enclosed, the Viewsonic is plastic
4. The apple one will be made of much, much higher quality components than the Viewsonic. Viewsonic have a reputation for quickly giving you dead pixels or a faulty display, Apple give the opposite.
It is this quality that is the reason for the price, as well as for the lack of upgradeability. Apple have quality control which is why they don't let you just drop in any part. You can't put in a crap PSU, like the desktop you posted has and off brand components, again, like the desktop you posted has.
They also use higher quality peripherals (mouse and keyboard) and their OS comes with much better, and more software than Windows.
I prefer PC over Mac, however I completely understand the justification for the price, and why people like Macs
$795 for upgradablity, and a bigger HDD, and overclocking
or this
$1100 with no upgradeablity and an annoying operating system.
Rant continued, Another thing I dislike about apple is their "artsy" operating system. I want to get things done, not marvel at the astetics of the operating system. The buttons for example, insted of being smart like windows, the OS has a red, a yellow and a green button for minimizing, maximize, and exiting. Those who have never used a computer before can at least predict what the windows buttons mean. Why on earth have just colors like that, that represents the whole OS. Less getting things done and more enjoying the pretty colors.
Exactly.Mac OS is much more intuitive to the human psyche than windows is. Don't get me wrong, I do not swing towards Apple by any means, but imho, their OS is not a negative by far.
Of course, you've got to take in mind that it only legally works on a Mac, and that since the developers work with the hardware devs, they can produce a much better OS for the hardware instead of creating one for everything. They once did make Mac OS for PCs as well, but thanks to piracy Apple almost went bankrupt in the 90s.
I wished they had continued to use the PowerPC architecture, but for some reason Motorola couldn't keep up with the quota. I think Apple did use IBM hardware once, but I'm not sure.Imo, Macs nowadays are just overpriced PC, like already stated, since they switched to Intel processors. Back in the day though, when they were still Power PC based, they were worth buying since a G4/G5 would blow the top off a Pentium 4 at the same speed. Much like today a i7 3GHz will blow a Pentium 4 3GHz out of the water.
2) The stigma of owning a Mac makes you elite is something the PC side just really makes up. Apple realized a long time ago for them to be successful does not mean that Microsoft or anyone else has to fail. Apple has concentrated on their product and while, their ads Mac Vs PC make fun of the cliches of computing, it was done in pure advertising. A few years back a lot of people didn't even know Apple existed, or there were alternatives to a PC. Most people that use a Mac could care less if you use a PC. The elists on both sides make all that crap up.