I never said it was something apple did or it was all mac users... just something i noticed. So maybe it is the "Mac elites" that I am talking about. Like I said it is a computer and that is all it is at the end of the day... not a lifestyle... not a community... it doesn't describe yourself... it is there to get work done and to entertain you. The Mac vs PC war will be over right after peace breaks out in the middle east unfortunately lol.
And you post in these threads because you have to... deep down you know you have to. I almost didn't too.
Well this is where you and I disagree. MUG, Mac User Groups, LUG - Linux User Groups, video game clans, hard core gaming, MMOs, Open Source software developers, etc all make up communities of computer users.
It is also a life style for some people. Go into a hardcore gaming forum and say you are a Mac user and you will get taunted by Internet tough guys left and right. Go into a Mac forum and some people will say, Ewwww, you use a PC?
I think if as a person you honestly feel better about yourself because you are a Mac or PC you should probably pull your head out of your ass, but that crap doesn't bother me. Most gamers don't know all that much about computers beyond hardware so that is the standard they set on how a computer works, should run, etc. They almost always never factor in total cost of ownership. They just go by hardware specs. Most Mac users know their Macs simply work, and they are more geared towards software. They don't care about a 15 FPS boost on their video play back, they want to know what software can do what for them.
When you get down to it, from a hardware/software perspective the Mac is very attractive on paper versus every other computer out there. However, there are some deal breakers for some people and they could be software/hardware/OS/whatever related.
I like OS X tons and tons more than Windows because of self contained apps, Unix configuration files, no bloat, no registry, and it follows the standard POSIX Unix kernel>shell design, which is superior in many ways. A major way it is for security.
However, at the end of the day none of that matters if your prefer one over the other that is going to be the reason you use a Mac or a PC.