
Benchmarks out, slower than 1100t and more expensive, and hotter and consumes more power! The duke nukem mega fail from AMD! Lol
so overall, depending on the specific test, it either rivals the 2500k and sometimes the 2600k, or it can actually fall behind the x4 980, but also on one of the pages i looked at, not sure if i or you posted it or if its posted at all, but they were saying it was priced at 245 or 22% less than the 2600k and offered 20% less performance, making it a little better technically, and also since the 8120 is according to them the same chip with a lower clock and a price of 205, the 8120 was a pretty dang good one, but it makes me ask why in several benches it had really low scores compared to the 8150
this just doesn't make sense to me. I can't possibly imagine that AMD would put that much effort into a redesign, to yield worse results, that doesn't even make sense.:confused:
If programs were to actually utilize 8 cores, it would be the clear winner. But since most programs use much less than that, the higher clocked and different designs will win.
Well I saw this coming to be honest, and as much as a few members might think im happy about this im not. Its not good for the competitive market nor for AMDs crashing share price.

At the end of the day this is a mediocre release, which may get better with optimised bios and motherboard configurations, and possible software that can utilise the architecture (read Windows 8). In addition most users wont see the difference between a i5 and a BD, however if you are building a new system, an i5 is mid range with an upgrade path (Ivy Bridge included), whereas the BD top level chip is the end of the line.

that performance-wise it's as good, overall, as a Core i5 2500K. Except that the Intel processor costs about $35 less: and that's a sore point

Ive said it before and ill say it again, the SB range is a better option.
Well I saw this coming to be honest, and as much as a few members might think im happy about this im not. Its not good for the competitive market nor for AMDs crashing share price.

At the end of the day this is a mediocre release, which may get better with optimised bios and motherboard configurations, and possible software that can utilise the architecture (read Windows 8). In addition most users wont see the difference between a i5 and a BD, however if you are building a new system, an i5 is mid range with an upgrade path (Ivy Bridge included), whereas the BD top level chip is the end of the line.


Ive said it before and ill say it again, the SB range is a better option.


Except if you bought a board back when they were released and switching platforms costs more.

I think that was AMD's plan from the start. Get everyone on the new boards/chipset/socket and when BD finally drops it's more expensive to switch over to Intel.
From those benchmarks,I was expecting Bulldozer to perform much better tbh...i would not pay £230 for a FX-8150 when you can get a i7-2600K for £227.
There are already many reviews for Bulldozer

What I can tell you that FX-8150 is slower than i7 2600 in most multi-threaded benchmarks. I'm really surprised because FX-8150 not only have more cores but also has higher clock speed than a stock i7 2600

Single-threaded performance is horrible. Bulldozer can't match SB. Actually in some cases it is slower than Phenom II.

Not to mention that power consumption of Bulldozer is quite high.

EDIT: Here are more reviews from anandtech, techreport and xbitlab
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You should see all the whinging and whining on OCN, there's like the 300 pages of it in the Bulldozer Blog thread :D
Apparently when the 8150 is overclocked, power usage hits above 440 watts.
That's just unacceptable.


That's for an entire system, not the CPU alone.

More lies spread by butthurt people thinking that BD was supposed to smash SB.
Pig with Lipstick. Should have dropped Phenom II to 32nm. and cranked up the ghz. Probably would have performed better and saved them a bunch of money. If they cant get more IPC, then they need to change the name back to ATI and stop making processors.
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wasn't the phenom ii broken at launch then a few months later it was updated and that one was decent, maybe they can do that again?