
The chipsets are identical. AMD has basically admitted that.

But the socket has an extra pin and supports more current going through it ;)

900 series also gets SLI support which won't happen on 800 series boards, though you can easily install the hacked drivers, but there's always a risk involved with that.

I just hope my mix of am3+ socket and 890gx chipset board supports the things once they're out.
The socket has nothings to do with the chipset. THe chipsets are identical, in fact you will probably be able to run BD on 8xx chipsets.
The Northbridge only really runs the PCIe lanes. No reason to change it. And the southbridge, I guess they could have added USB 3.0 (runs from a another onboard chip) to it. But other then that there was really no reason to change it. Socket AM3+ supports higher amps, from 110A on the AM3 to 145A on AM3+, plus it supports higher HT. 2600/5200 and 3200/6400 HT
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Just Curious, what are your personal expectations guys? I've been trying not to look at the leaked information, because I don't want to get my hopes up or down. That said, I expect the 8xxx chips to be slightly slower than the i7-2600, 6xxx chips on par or slightly faster than the i5-2500, and 4xxx chips slightly slower.
My (guess) with the 8150. With the right bios update and the windows update. It will maybe trade blows with the 2600/K.

But you will still have the 8120 and I think a 8100, which all three are unlocked. If the 8120 and 8100 clock close to the 8150, you can even save more money. To me the sweet spot will be the 6100 in performance and price. What uses more then 4 cores anyway. Plus its unlocked too.
considering the 8150 is supposed to be closer to 250 (266 wasn't it?) i think a 1300 point diffreence isn't too good for amd, but since the 2600 scores 8951, it makes me ask wtf is up with their scores since other than .1ghz they perform the same at stock don't they? and also if you look further down it labels the quad core variations as the fx-5200 (3597) and fx-5000 (3039), which since the 965be sores a 4289 that doesn't look too good, but we'll just have to wait to see how reliable those are, and btw the 5200 has 6 samples and the 5000 has like 130 something samples.
those links show nothing

and i was just looking, you know i haven't been looking at this stuff long enough to know that the 5000 and 5200 weren't zambezi's, seems sort of stupid to use a very similar naming to a several year old chip if you're saying like i think you are that these were from the original fx series.
Because the reviews aren't live yet because NDA hasn't been lifted.

Check the links in approx 5 minutes :)


HOW U DO DAT?????????? It awsome!!!!!!!!


(i copied and pasted that if that's actually how you did dat)
both now instead of nothing say


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