3DMARK06 Scores Here

Yeah, Nvidia FTW! Single OC'ed 8800 Ultra takes on dual 2900XT's :D Yes!

The 2900 isn't meant to even be close to competing with 8800's I think ATI sits this round out and probably tries to beat Nvidia to the next Gen, As far as I have seen my vid cards on the coat tails of the new 2900's kinda sad.

Anyways here's my scores...

4490 3D Marks SM2.0 - 1777 HDR/SM3.0 - 1968 CPU - 1459

Also I ran this test completely default settings, is there anything else I should change or just leave it be?
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[-0MEGA-];814479 said:
And no offense, but that seems like a horrible score for two 8800 Ultra's. Heck I got almost 11K with a single oc'd 8800GTS.

None taken. That was w/ SLi'd 320MB GTS'. As you know, I've had several problems w/ GFX lately. I'll post a new benchmark when I get things straightened out. ;)
what is your system, dual ULTRA's, a QX6850, 8GB ram, and a 15K RPM HDD?

other then that (and even thats a bit of a stretch i believe) you cant have that score
Look I am just telling you what it says.

My specs are

e6750 2.8
8800gts cc650 sc1750 mem1100

2gb mushkin 6400 800 444412

running vista ultimate.

Tell me how I can print this and get it up on here.
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just get back to your windows desktop and hit printscreen on the keyboard, then go into paint right click on the open area and click paste. then go to your photo uploading website (IE photobucket) and upload it. from there, double click on the yellow line below the picture that says 'Img.' and post it here