What are you currently playing?

Iv not played beta since last patch and last night i had one match for new placement and i won and got demoted from gold to bronze when previously i had a 50 % win rate WTF :O

On topic though :p im not playing much as i rebooted my pc :p Only have hawken, sc2 beta, planetside and bf3 installed :p

That is where I am too. I am guessing that the ladders are just screwed because there are not a huge amount of players. I have doubts that going 3 and 2 while taking out a platinum player in one of the wins means that bronze is the correct place :p Oh well. It's the beta.

Tony Hawk HD might isn't that bad if you have xbox 360 controller for PC?

I have one I just don't want to pull the trigger on it yet. There have been a lot of complaints about the controls. Maybe when finals are finished for me I can look more into it.
Just Cause 2, loving it!

Awesome game. Especially with mods!

The destruction is awesome, makes blowing up stuff very satisfying!

I must admit I've not been gaming much lately. Been doing schoolwork and stuff. Holidays start on Friday afternoon though and end on January 7th, so I'm sure I'll be gaming then! ;)
Awesome game. Especially with mods!

The destruction is awesome, makes blowing up stuff very satisfying!

I must admit I've not been gaming much lately. Been doing schoolwork and stuff. Holidays start on Friday afternoon though and end on January 7th, so I'm sure I'll be gaming then! ;)

Pfft i finished college for xmas on Monday and even then it was only half a day :p Go back Jan 7th too :(
Just playing WarZ at the moment,Cant believe not many people here have it,In fact ive not seen one person mention they have it also in this place. :D
Just Cause 2, loving it!

Ditto. I sometimes get on for like an hour or more and I just never do anything productive. Running around harassing the military or stealing jets and flying under bridges. All so much fun even though I'm not accomplishing much of anything. :D

The skydiving system is a bit odd. It's engaged before at weird times and sent me hurtling headfirst in the ground when I jump off of like a 5 foot ledge. My brother was playing once and he ejected out of helicopter and just missled straight at the ground head first.
Ditto. I sometimes get on for like an hour or more and I just never do anything productive. Running around harassing the military or stealing jets and flying under bridges. All so much fun even though I'm not accomplishing much of anything. :D
Who plays Just Cause 2 to complete the storyline? I just play it to muck around and generally have a laugh! :D

Do you have fun with homework and exams? :D
If I'm honest I'd rather be playing Just Cause 2. ;)

I suck at it really badly but it's still fun.

No... just no. It's a horrible game in my opinion. I should never have wasted 10euros to buy it lol.

But I'm currently playing CoD4 (like always), WoW (decided to pick up a 60day voucher and go to town!) and Diablo III (a little late but I'm poor, my uncle gave me his account :) )for the rest I don't play much more. BF3 is just horrible some days depending on the players.
Atm im playing blops 2 and mw3. I said i would never buy another cod game after blops 1 but what do you know, this christmas i buy them both :( i feel dirty.

Mw3 is shit but blops 2 is good though
No... just no. It's a horrible game in my opinion. I should never have wasted 10euros to buy it lol.

But I'm currently playing CoD4 (like always), WoW (decided to pick up a 60day voucher and go to town!) and Diablo III (a little late but I'm poor, my uncle gave me his account :) )for the rest I don't play much more. BF3 is just horrible some days depending on the players.

To be honest EA's BF3 is better than Activision's call of duty. I sometime don't like activision since they take away some of my favorite company and some game from EA.