What are you currently playing?

I read the driving is the same as JC2, meaning I won't be buying this, this is the one thing I hated in JC2.
The cars look nicer and look more like real cars (you can guess what models they're based on) but yeah the handling is still pretty shocking. It takes about 4 cars to get from your start to your destination because they're so easy to crash! They explode a lot easier in JC3, too.
GTA Online as usual. Punk, if you want people to play with I have a small crew that is made up of some of my friends. We do races and missions pretty regularly. Not sure when you usually are playing though since you're a few timezones off. Add me on Steam if you want, name is Denther.

I got it through Rockstar. My username should be Webbenji :)
Getting back into CS:GO a little bit, I guess I left off as the badge 'distinguished master guardian' rank only to return and be placed into 'silver elite' after winning the rerank game.

Da fuq?
Yeah i think you're right dude. Sometimes i forgot some good activities like exercise because i play 6 to 7 hours a day.
Damn that's a lot!! I usually get bored after 2 hours max of playing, usually after just an hour. I like video games but I live for mountain activities, not the other way around :)
Fallout 4
The Witcher 3
Metal Gear Solid V
Yoshi's Woolly World

Just switching from game to game as my interest grows less back and forth. That and books, thinking of trying some crochet just for fun. More game may be added as time goes on, but as it stands those are the four that I have been going between.
Fallout 4
The Witcher 3
Metal Gear Solid V
Yoshi's Woolly World

Just switching from game to game as my interest grows less back and forth. That and books, thinking of trying some crochet just for fun. More game may be added as time goes on, but as it stands those are the four that I have been going between.

Holy cow, Ashley's back. Welcome back!!! Was wondering when you were gonna come visit us.
Damn that's a lot!! I usually get bored after 2 hours max of playing, usually after just an hour. I like video games but I live for mountain activities, not the other way around :)

Good for you punk you only play 2 hours and got a mountain of activites your life might be busy.
I bought Life is Strange forever ago and played about 15 minutes of the first chapter. Sat down this weekend and played through it (I think I finished it, but I randomly quit to go to bed).

Awesome story and game for those who like good storyline driven games.

56 hours in the past 6 days...

Do the math... Be surprised.

On the bright side, my roommate is gone for the weekend so I think I might take a roadtrip to CDA, Idaho and hike a bit. It's cold, but I need to get outside like Punk does. :p

56 hours in the past 6 days...

Do the math... Be surprised.

On the bright side, my roommate is gone for the weekend so I think I might take a roadtrip to CDA, Idaho and hike a bit. It's cold, but I need to get outside like Punk does. :p

Out of those 56 hours, how many were spent staring at a tree and holding down your mouse button? :D

Rust will occasionally come along, consume my life for 2 weeks, then disappear into the night. Only to be rediscovered a few months and many devblogs later. I enjoy taking extended breaks of it as it really lets you see how the game progresses. I've played it since Legacy. Main problem for me now is that I don't have a lot of people to play with.

When the levelling system drops I'll definitely be giving it another whirl.
Yeah same here, I've actually stopped playing it for a while. I went back to The Forest and it got so much better :)
Taking break from playing, especially if your on mountain climbing seeing trees, animals and breathing fresh air. Makes me feel like i'm free. But it's only one week break and now back to work and playing games again lol.
Someone suckered me into Diablo 3 on PS4, so we're doing that. It doesn't seem too horrendously different from playing the beta though :p

Level 11 represent!
The Talos Principle. If you even somewhat liked Portal, you'll love it. Amazing game; really makes the brain work for solutions.
Got ARK, well I've been killed by a Sabertooth, T-Rex and some huge mosquitoes... :/