Did it affect any computer?
Not really that I know of. I think maybe some small exceptions of people/businesses that hadn't upgraded their computers in over 8+ years. So that number was probably very small.
While you weren't affected it did affect people I know. One of my friends got suspended from his job at the Bus depot because it didn't wake him (not steady hours = no reoccurring alarms)
While this by no means affects me, I do question why they can't get their act together with this ridiculous bug. This is the second time something like this has happened.
I agree and Apple is making some shifts in their company. First they discontinue their server line (which I thought was a bad move), then with 10.7 they are introducing an app store much like for the iOS devices. Which seems like a cheese move to me, and from an enterprise standpoint an issue. In fact, there are tons of things Apple does I just don't get, and most of it has to do with enterprise level stuff, because that is what I do.
They are expanding too, as I have had a job interview with them recently. They are expanding in all department and iOS and OS X are getting larger, while other things are getting scaled down. At least that is the perception I got when I interviewed with Apple. So I could be totally wrong.
It is clear that Apple wants to concentrate on consumer products and they want to get their product out the door and into the hands of people, and it is working. Every day tons of iOS devices and Mac laptops/desktops walk out of Apple stores and retailers everywhere. I think that they may be losing some focus on quality control. The iPhone 4 has had it's share of bugs for sure, but it is also 1st generation 4G, and 1st generation their new processor and hardware. So I expect some bugs to happen in 1st gen, however I also hold Apple up to their standards of quality control.
The bug is ridiculous, you are right. However, if I even pried into any other platform be it computers or smart phones I would also find bugs, but the impact would be smaller because the iPhone has a pretty decent and large market share. That is not an excuse for Apple, but simply a point of everything has bugs in it for various reasons. Some reasons are pretty legit. Think about developing the beta software and test hardware in a lab as best you can, and then releasing it on a nation-wide network. There are going to be things you could not account for in your lab environment. That is just how it is.
I feel overall the iPhone 4 was maybe rushed and lacks the quality control Apple usually has. Now it is up to Apple to address the issue and fix it.