Don't processors go by 1024s like RAM and HDDs do?Mattu said:Yep. Actually 1000GHz=1THz
Well back in the day let's say about the late 1980's computers ran anywhere from 8MHz to 16MHz. People back then probably thought the same about this Gigahertz Era that were in today.jp198780 said:what are you going 2 use 1THZ 4? like really, why would someone need all that speed.
oh it CAN happen in like 1 or 2 years, but why? who cares? but frequency doesn't matter much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MadModder said:IBM & Georgia Tech clocked a chip to 500 GHz.,1558,1979104,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532
Why not go for an extra 500? I say it could happen in the next 5-10 years.
Where do you get a single 1TB HDD? Please link me to one of these, cause I can't find more than one 750GB HDD. And two doesn't count, because that would require two processors, which really isn't like a one terahertz processor. As far as this goes, it depends on what you view as "reaching" one terahertz. I could see some university and IBM reaching one terahertz with some special fabrication process in the next 10, even possibly 5 years. However, I think it'll be many years until this reaches desktops and average level computing, or even servers. Perhaps the military and NASA may be the first to see this technology.Mattu said:We alredy breched Terabyte HDD now how long do you'll thank it will be before teraherts processors?
First thing that comes to my mind: medical research.jp198780 said:what are you going 2 use 1THZ 4? like really, why would someone need all that speed.
Something tells me that THE most efficient 2.2 GHz processor will loose to ANY 1 THz Processor.Encore4More said:oh it CAN happen in like 1 or 2 years, but why? who cares? but frequency doesn't matter much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i mean we were at 3.8GHz a year ago!!!!!!!!! now we are down to 2.2GHz!!!!
because they aren't TRYING to find everyway to up frequency cus it doesn't matter much
Bobo said:Don't processors go by 1024s like RAM and HDDs do?
and who cares about that extra 24Ghz anyway!H-Bomb said:People just say that 1Thz = 1000Ghz because it is easier.
Wouldn't that be somethin'?? WU's would be done in an hour instead of four or five days.Ku-sama said:think about folding with one terahert
And software will still lagH-Bomb said:It's hard enough to imagine a world with Terahertz speed processors, but just think, one day processors will be measure in petahertz (1024Thz) or even exahertz (1,048,576Thz). Now thats something to think about!
why have exahertz, when you could have yottahertz! (1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 hertz) folding workunits would be counted in seconds! and people would think tha would be slowH-Bomb said:It's hard enough to imagine a world with Terahertz speed processors, but just think, one day processors will be measure in petahertz (1024Thz) or even exahertz (1,048,576Thz). Now thats something to think about!
Yea, they had to run that at 0 kelvin to get the 500 GHz mark, where oxygen is frozen.AMD said:Processors are getting faster and faster,But i soppose there will be a problem with actualy been able to cool them in the future but then again they will probably invent something which could handle the heat.