Show off your speed

LOL um... LOL it works and I have no reason for shit AC that can't penetrate walls. I will in fact never go with AC, EVER!

Besides. My use for WIFI is only for my laptop, Echo Dot and smart phone.

Speed without the VPN is about the same. I think my phone is faster. The WIFI adapter I'm using is at least 10 years old.

I'd test my phone, but wants me to install their stupid App and I'm not doing that. Pretty damn sure the phone is faster since in the router it says like 100+ MbPS. My ISP gives me 100 MbPS right now, but I can upgrade to a higher speed with a new modem. But I need to rewire my house to take advantage of it and at 12.5 MBPS I'm happy with what I got already. I often download 25 MB files in 1 second.
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LOL um... LOL it works and I have no reason for shit AC that can't penetrate walls
You're mistaken for AD. AD is the one that can't penetrate walls.

N on the 5.0ghz band is about as effective at penetrating walls is AC is on the 5.0ghz band. Theoretically, beamforming on AC should provide you with better coverage.
My ISP gives me 100 MbPS right now, but I can upgrade to a higher speed with a new modem. But I need to rewire my house to take advantage of it
Sure looks like your N router is struggling to hit 100 mbps. My AC connection through a floor is beyond gigabit and I saturate my NAS's gigabit connection when I pull large files through.
LOL um... LOL it works and I have no reason for shit AC that can't penetrate walls. I will in fact never go with AC, EVER!
40 mbps is pretty awesome, good on you for clinging onto a 10 year old standard. You also might want to specify 2.4 GHz N instead of 5 GHz N so we know you haven't gone soft.

I will enjoy my single AP for the entire house at 500 mbps in the interim.
I get full 100 MbPs with my computers plugged into the ethernet cable. With WIFI it makes sense I have slower speed. Like I said, this is an old WIFI USB adapter I have attached to my laptop. I'm only using it since the built-in WIFI card drops every couple of hours. And like I said, I know my phone takes full advantage of my ISP's speed I have.

I don't use 5 GHz, I use 2.4 GHz in 802.11n. You can use either or. AC as far as I'm aware is 5 GHz only and 5 GHz bounces off walls. As it stands now, my router is downstairs and I can get a signal all over the house even upstairs and outside on the patio. I'm happy with what I have so no need to try and push me to something else. If you don't like it tough shit.
I get full 100 MbPs with my computers plugged into the ethernet cable.
Sick dude, 100base-TX was standardized in 1995, it's nice to see someone still willing to represent what's just about old enough to be a vintage car.
5 GHz bounces off walls.
You can do things like a wireless site survey to analyze the wireless propagation of your specific environment, but hey don't let me get in the way of your sensationalized crackpot theories.
If you don't like it tough shit.
A bit self conscious or something? Nobody gives two shits about your network, other than that it is entertainment value.

Keep being you bro.
5 GHz bounces off walls
So does 2.4ghz. 5Ghz just does it a bit more, but to say it bounces off walls like that's all it does and not penetrate walls is false. As your lord and savior would say, Fake News.
AC as far as I'm aware is 5 GHz only
Yes, but the additional technologies behind AC gets leaked over into 2.4Ghz. Which is why you see routers with 4x4 antennas using NitroQAM technology capable of rating their 2.4ghz band at 1gbps.
I don't need AC once again. And I can get Gig speed with an updated modem. Don't need it, don't care. Just like how my SSD is fast enough. Don't need RAID or M.2. Fast enough.
Goes to show how much you know about harddrives/solid state drives. You're comparing apples to oranges with that statement.

People often state IDE in replace of PATA which is still the IDE specification. I say m.2 in replace of NVMe.

Once again, don't care.

ISP recently got DOCSIS 3.1 running, so I switched to their 300/20 plan.