post your Photoshop art here

my first thing in photoshop however i was lazy and did the text in paint :) boots is my cat



Carbon hood:


How did I do? I think I applyed to much twirl because the top right doesnt follow the contour of the hood. I think I made it too dark also.
34erd said:
How did I do? I think I applyed to much twirl because the top right doesnt follow the contour of the hood. I think I made it too dark also.

heres mine. :)


anyone recognize what i did?
could somebody help me adding imagis from different sources to my pictures,(like the chimp in that forest) i know i need to make different layers but no nothing more.
34erd said:


Carbon hood:


How did I do? I think I applyed to much twirl because the top right doesnt follow the contour of the hood. I think I made it too dark also.

ok here's some of, by looking at your work, its pretty embarrassing...but i'm just starting...

Another bad thing is...there are stars ON the red planet because i forgot to fill my circle in black before making the planet look...and the second pic looks really exaggerated but i like it. I started from scratch for all of them.
bigsaucybob. thanks. yeah thats all photoshop. time consuming though.
yo-yo. find a picture that has a white background. (my example, chimp on white background) and paste it into your art. change the mode to something like multiply.
stalex111 said:
ok here's some of, by looking at your work, its pretty embarrassing...but i'm just starting...

Another bad thing is...there are stars ON the red planet because i forgot to fill my circle in black before making the planet look...and the second pic looks really exaggerated but i like it. I started from scratch for all of them.

i like these 2, very well done. not bad considering u say ur a beginner.
computerhakk said:

heres mine. :)


anyone recognize what i did?

Looks like 2 different vehicles and not done thru photoshop. Your either pulling a fast one or should go work in the hollywood studios.
it is two different vehicles, the second one has a meaty body kit and skirts, somethign i dont think you could do in photoshop, at all....
im sorry, ive put both images on top of each other and turned opacity down, they are different shapes and the shadows are in different positions aswell. I refuse to believe that you made that from the frst image. To top it all off, the second image is a different resolution to the first one, its actually quite a bit smaller.

Sorry to burst your bubble like that but you didnt get that second image from the first one.....

well, i didn't think i'd have to do this but...

ok, the thing that u see change is the area where the wheel, kit, tire, sunroof, and background is. and thats obviously where the work was done. if you dont know photoshop at all. you obviously dont realize photoshop's potential and what it can do. why do u think it costs like 600 bucks? no kidding duh?

if u look closely at the picture, you will see the discoloration around the bumbers, in the background, you will see the flaws bricks touch the taillight. if you look at the shadow. you will realize that shadows are not perfect crips lines. thats obviously a do-over.

even look at the picture u changed the opacity. nothing has significantly change on the lexus except for where the change was noticeable like i said before. the reason its a different resolution is because i moved it to a totally different background. you can obviously see that i had to cut off the bottom as i did.

and who in their great mind would spend time trying to get one real car to look like another real car when taking a picture?

HMMMMMMMMMMM, lets see, you will have to have the car in the right place, right angle, right camera and car distance apart, exact same model. duh?

an obvious reason you probably can't even see is the wheel. NOW, any right person in their mind knows that wheels/rims does not even look like that. it looks all lopsided. especially the rear wheel. look at any car and you will see the difference.

color change? well, thats photoshops ability of color channels and hue/saturation. duh?

oh and another thing, if it was two real seperate cars, why are the wheels all in different spots? surely, thats not a manufacture defect? its taken precisely as the first car with angle and everything RIGHT? well, then shouldn't the wheels be in the same spot?
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