post your Photoshop art here

MatrixEVO said:
Here is one of my quick ones:

AHH!! The picture moves!(when you look from one corner then the next, or if u scan the page) I hope I'm not the only one that notices this... at the risk of sounding like an idiot;)
yea try the trial version.

i just posted that because i thought it was fairly cheap considering 7.0 and 6.0 is still up there in the 150-250.

its 6.0, 7.0, CS, then CS2 now (cs = 8.0, cs2 = 9.0)
I just use gimp. Dont have a years salary to spare for a program :) Is there really a big difference? I'm not really at all experienced with this, but how is photoshop so much better? I've used it before, and it seems similar to GIMP
fatal1ty_fan said:
ohhh full function cool
ill be sure to do that

and is there like tutorils that come with it or what

well i have never tried their tutorials but i have found very helpful. try out some of there tutorials and if u have any questions ask them here, im sure we can all help.
fatal1ty_fan said:
how much longer will cs 2 be a good program
cs2 will ALWAYS be a good program :D Photoshop 4 is still a good program lol just not AS good as cs2. I agree that cs2 is kinda hard to learn, but the GIMP is harder. If you REALLY dont want to spend money, go with the GIMP and find a good tutorial site on the net, you'll need it


all these are amazing, i am crap at photo software, maybe i'll get photosho[p, the things what you do on it look amazing, all i have is fireworks and paint shop pro and my very limited ability, maybe i'll have a go at something now
34erd said:
Nice. How did you do that? Plastic wrap and then wind? (Just a random guess)
yeah. if ur familiar with photosho, u'll recognize the filters.

plastic wrap
blue opacity layer
light effects.

the usual