johnnys info isnt really accurate.
There are many versions of Linux out there. Not all are based around Programming. It is however, the preferred OS of hackers and programmers alike. Linux is the most secure OS platform available, and as was said, there is a happy lack of viruses and other maleware for it. Continuing on the positives here, 99% of anything you need will be free under Linux. (the 1% leads back to a lack of honor in Ubuntu's business practice.). .
Thought i was missing the party. Of the screenshots you quoted ixiboneheadixi, I'm the only one running linux. Crunchbang is not meant for a beginner, at all. It is streamlined for low resource use, and for the minimalist user, especially when you look at my later one, which is completely text based. If you want to try out linux, just download Linux Mint, Ubuntu, or Peppermint. I'd suggest Mint or PepperMint. From there, boot into the live cd, and you can just play around, but nothing will never actually be installed. You wont have the complete performance of a HDD install, but it's good to know your not wasting your time with a install. If you end up liking it, make a thread in the OS section, and I'm sure we can walk you through a dual boot OS setup.
Oh, and johnny, one small note. Linux=/= Mac
They are both derivatives of Unix however. Linux and Mac by no means stand for the same thing nor have the same philosophy.
Now, ixiboneheadixi, if you have any more questions, post in the OS section, and we'll help you there, so we stop cluttering up the desktop thread. :good: