Post Your Desktop "Background screenshot"

damn thats ugly lol...cant you set it to classic or do they have all the settings locked down?

Classic looks better than ugly Xp

They've got them all locked, you can't do anything! Not even right click! :(
Theming Linux?

I am done with Windows! I finally got Puppy Linux installed on my PC! Only one problem, it looks to much like Windows. Is there a way to give it a different theme? Or even a different desktop environment?
Thats just stupid. I wouldn't be able to stand that

It is, I know, it gets really annoying, well, you can right click in applications, just not task bar and star bar.

Well, Here's my new Desktop, for a new computer :D

I am done with Windows! I finally got Puppy Linux installed on my PC! Only one problem, it looks to much like Windows. Is there a way to give it a different theme? Or even a different desktop environment?

i would have gone with a diffrent distro...Ubuntu or Suse.

Never tried puppy linux sorry :(

My latest desktop :

yeah man you need to pimp out your desktop :D
Mine used to be absolutely insane I have like 2 docks and my linux box had a snowflake animation over everything but It wasnt all that good performance wise so know I use a classic start menu and a blue wallpaper