Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

Took it long back ;)
Running the PC on newspaper with rubber bands holding the fans on the CPU heatsink.... respect

I had two Business Organization Books(Same) and then newspaper over them.
And Rubber Bands are giving me a lot of problems lately.Will get a binding wire.
is that a serious question? even on the pic i can see the screw holes in the corners of the fan unless the sink doesn't have the holes drilled, which seems unlikely. and is that thing big enough for you too?
is that a serious question? even on the pic i can see the screw holes in the corners of the fan unless the sink doesn't have the holes drilled, which seems unlikely. and is that thing big enough for you too?

Yes that was a serious question.
I have not seen an HSF with drilled holes yet.


All of the ones which I have seen use thin semi-flexible metal wires to hold the fan which I lost.
Yes that was a serious question.
I have not seen an HSF with drilled holes yet.


All of the ones which I have seen use thin semi-flexible metal wires to hold the fan which I lost.

Yep, that's true. Metal wires or plastic lips that snap on to the heatsink....which break to easy...
that just seems stupid, but what if you gat some smallish rubber bands, then in all 4 corners you push it through the whole and slip like a paper clip into the loop so it won't come out, then do the same to the opposite side, so it is putting a decent amount of tension and the bands will slip into the sink's grates so it won't/shouldn't slip in any direction, if you get what i mean i think it would work well, or at least better.
that just seems stupid, but what if you gat some smallish rubber bands, then in all 4 corners you push it through the whole and slip like a paper clip into the loop so it won't come out, then do the same to the opposite side, so it is putting a decent amount of tension and the bands will slip into the sink's grates so it won't/shouldn't slip in any direction, if you get what i mean i think it would work well, or at least better.

Have you ever used an After-Market HSF?
Since two posts back you advised me to screw in the fan.
The rubberbands break because of the heat so small-thin ones mean they will snap faster.
And why would I switch to something which is less durable and involves work?
Well, here it is. Crappy cell phone pics, but still.

Here's before:


My lovely 570 with pop can for reference:








Of course the images don't do it justice. This thing is amazing. 100+ fps on all games, even with my little dual core. I can't wait to see what zambezi will do to it.

I also have a CM Hyper 212+ with another fan blowing out of it that is waiting for my new chip. I also need to order a fan extension cord because of my 120mm in back that is going on top of the CPU fan...

But hopefully I will get a good camera and take some decent pics.
Damn Claptonman - you having a party while putting this thing together? Enough redbull there to keep you up all week and enought food to keep you content for a couple days. By the way, toss me a oreo.
Claptonman- Thats really nice setup- Haven't you tried to unlock the 555 though?
Yes, and due to my limited knowledge, I bumped up the core frequency too much and it didn't even boot. Now the BIOS is locked and I still haven't reset the CMOS yet.
Damn Claptonman - you having a party while putting this thing together? Enough redbull there to keep you up all week and enought food to keep you content for a couple days. By the way, toss me a oreo.
Haha, I actually just took this pic, so my rig is about a week old. Redbull is having this scavenger on college campuses where they hide redbull all over campus and give out clues online. Me and my roommates have found 8 packs of 4 so far. :D

Thanks, guys. I love my new baby. :good:
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that's pretty dang sick Clapton

and mihir, doesn't have to be bands, can be cable, fishing wire/line, zip-ties, and number of small yet strong and flexible materials, didn't think i had to post all that in my other post, thought you'd be able to think of other materials.
that's pretty dang sick Clapton

and mihir, doesn't have to be bands, can be cable, fishing wire/line, zip-ties, and number of small yet strong and flexible materials, didn't think i had to post all that in my other post, thought you'd be able to think of other materials.

Get some experience first then advice(Not only limited to this scenario).
I will be getting some binding cables as I wrote in my first post.
Re-arranged my entire setup in a fit of rage yesterday lol

Having an apartment that faces the sun the entire time it's up sucks. I nailed black canvas over the windows in my room today, but didn't take pictures. The sun can FOAD. :D

All the sports stuff is my dads, wasn't a whole lot of room to work with, but I basically moved everything to the corner an added another table.




And fwiw, those are sweatpants on the floor, they're clean, I just haven't bothered picking them up lol
Re-arranged my entire setup in a fit of rage yesterday lol

Having an apartment that faces the sun the entire time it's up sucks. I nailed black canvas over the windows in my room today, but didn't take pictures. The sun can FOAD. :D

All the sports stuff is my dads, wasn't a whole lot of room to work with, but I basically moved everything to the corner an added another table.




And fwiw, those are sweatpants on the floor, they're clean, I just haven't bothered picking them up lol

I'd say nice set up and stuff, but the real thing i am looking at is your caps. Freakin sweet. how many you got? what teams?