Post A Pic Of Your Pc Here :)

Here is a updated shot of mine:


That is beautiful. :eek:
I know how its not the cleanest look right now. I just moved and finished putting the desk together and I haven't done much cable management yet.


First let me say I am a full time architectural student and I don't have alot of time anymore, hence the mess. so please excuse all the disorder going on.

In the coming future I am going to put them all in cases and tidy all my stuff up.
now on with the computers.

first we have the sandy bridge system.
It is running 8 gigs of corsair vengeance memory, has a 2600K at stock, had it up to 5 before, has a evga P67 FTW motherboard, has a EVGA cpu cooler, and has a 400watt corsair power supply. and a evga 8800 gs video card,( not bad of a card at all I must say) as for the keyboard its a Logitech G11, and I have a very cheap Microsoft mouse. and then onto the screens, I have tripple. Asus 23" monitors running at 1920 x 1080, They are fairly new a few months old, They are supposed to run in span view with 2x sli, but I just need to install the new cards. As for the new cards I have 2x 260's that I need to install, and it has windows 7 , 32 bit, ( I know I need 64 bit for premier cs 5 but I either decided to forget that or not care but now I am stuck, so I'm off to buy yet another copy of windows 64 bit, and a 1tb green WD H/D

Second rig is my water cooling project you could say. Now mind you I did this in the summer before school started. Its an evga 1366 Classified mob, with 8 gigs of corsair dominator ram, it has a I7 950, water cooled, 3X EVGA 480's , 2 are hydro coppers, 1 is a air gtx 480 with a danger den copper block on it.
all water cooled of course. Currently I have 2 corsair power supplies a 850 watt, and a 650 watt, powering it, It has a 500 gig WD black H/D, with windows 7 64 bit on it, I mainly use the rig for video editing, I shoot alot of 1080p video and that stuff is huge. and it also has a 24" Asus LCD monitor, and a junk mouse, and junk keyboard. Got the 950 to 4.2 and she wont go any higher.
as for the water cooling side, I got tired of of my mcp 655 pump, and stepped up to the big leagues, with a nice 1" outlet pump, about the pressure of the garden hose without any restriction, I obviously has a restrictor and overflow valve, I have 2x radiators, one monster quad, and one think "something I forget" with 3x coolermaster r4's ( I know bad for radiators that all I had), and 3x noctura fans in push pull combination, the quad rad is the same fans again in a push pull configuration. the res, Is a nice trash can that can be had for ten bucks, you wont believe how much heat 3x gtx 480's push out,

my third computer, is a i7 something, with a micro atx motherboard, (some brand not evga :), has 4 gigs of gskills ( had very bad luck with gskill, but I know people love them.) has a stock intel cooler and has a 1 TB black WD harddrive running windows 7 32 bit, , but currently I need a power supply so It just sits there, Is really a my file storage computer, when Its running.

Now the plans for the future.
I have a mountain mods case, that I am going to put the 3x gtx 480 rig in .
then I'm going to take the "server" machine and put the sandy bridge machine (tube case) , Its the blue cooler master case, in and then I am going to buy a cheap , and I mean cheap case to put the "server" machine in.
The 650 watt p/s will go to the SB computer, and the 400 watt will go to the gtx 480 rig, I think 1270 watts should be enough for it.
I will add the 8800gs to the "server" computer, and the SB computer will get the 2x 260's running in sli.
The pump and res will be moved into the room next to me which happens to be a finished crawl space, but its really like a room, 6" high ceiling. In the winter in plan on running some chilled water through it and do some more overclocking.

sorry for the long post, I hope you enjoyed it, I will post pictures when it is finished and all cleaned up, and by that time I will have a new camera, ( my 5D broke, and they told me it was like 1000 bucks to fix, so I'm getting a new 5D Mark II soon, )
If you have any questions post away.
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That is sick man seriously crazy stuff, I wouldn't even need an internet connection if I had that, would just keep messing around with it all day.
That looks really messy, but so fun. I would love to have a room dedicated to all that.

I'm cleaning it up, , but thanks.

That is sick man seriously crazy stuff, I wouldn't even need an internet connection if I had that, would just keep messing around with it all day.

thanks. but it's not really all that cool, never did any sli before but it really helps with editing 10 hours of 1080p video.

Trash can reservoir.....epic! lol

your just jealous lol, kidding. thanks.

That res gets so hot its crazy, when you overclock a 950 to 4.2 and 3x 480's you get the picture, I did alot of experimentation with the res and found that I need more water pressure to make sure the pump was primed well. but I am really looking for a real container.
Just installed my new Zalman 9900 Max CPU cooler and love it. Ran Prime95 for 30 minutes with an ambient room temp of 24C and the CPU temp never rose above 55C - a stark contrast to the 95C+ I was getting after 5 minutes of Prime95 on the stock cooler. My only complaint is that the red LED on the fan is very dim.


Thanks, all it needs is a sweet SATA III SSD to make it complete (and maybe another GTX 570 :D)

Keep posting pictures of your rigs everyone, gives me something fun to do at work :)
Let's get a better look at the Shaman, as I think it dwarfs the H60, not the other way around :D



It weighs 630 grams without a fan ^^
Here's my rig. It's not much. Depending on where i got posted to in the army at the end of the year, I may upgrade it :D



@Linkin- Still can't get over just how huge (tall) that cooler is. It's immense, must keep the GPU nice and chilly.
Updated picture of the entire inside after I put in the new CPU cooler, RMA'ed HDD and did some more cable management:

Nice :p,Did you manage to get your faulty 570 replaced or baked it ?

I baked it, of course :D It took 3 times but it works 95% of the time now. Occasionally I get a game crash and corrupted visuals but a restart fixes it. Seldom get any issues though, so I'm not going to worry about it. I am thinking of getting the Thermalright VRM-G2 and modding it to fit the 570. Some guys on a german forum did it alongside the shaman. :cool: