I wish Newegg had 6 hour to my door ^-^
Tigerdirect gets it to me in under 10 hours....but no free shipping :*(
Not 6 hour to my door, that was after waiting. It shippend Monday and got to me Wednesday.
I wish Newegg had 6 hour to my door ^-^
Tigerdirect gets it to me in under 10 hours....but no free shipping :*(
Ive had no problems with Newegg. Got a bad PSU twice in a row, no problems. Didnt like my new motherboard, they took it back no problems. It was even an open box item.
Ive spent $1600+ their in the past two years, no other place i would rather spend my money
I just turned 15 1/2In the past two years? Wow...I just spent more than that in one sitting.
In the past two years? Wow...I just spent more than that in one sitting.