JL... when I installed the router it had a pretty uncomplicated set of prompts to set up a password to the router. If having a password satisfies the situation you're talking about then I'm actually good on that. I hadn't seen "WEP" before, to know if I had one or not.
Joh... In Batman I'm able to grapple from Gargoyle to Gargoyle, but I haven't yet figured out how to open a vent when its up the wall as opposed to the first few that were on the ground. In the first challenge that has the elevated escape vent, I know there is an area of the room that Batman mentions he should search once the challenge is passed (the challenge is taking out 3 armed guards, then three more). I'm guessing if I search around I'll find something that lets me get up to that vent and open it.
Thx You guys, I appreciate the info.