Yeah, let me know what you got and your price. Would prefer matching sticks but whatever works.
If I have more at work, it'd mostly be crucial. Just throw me your address in a PM and I'll send what I can find on Monday. No charge.
I might have a couple of DDR floating about somewhere, I have no way of knowing whether they will work or not though. When I get my IDE equipment down from the attic at some point, I can let you know, as I am selling a DDR1 board at some point.
I have 3 sticks John. two are different. Its free if ya want them.
Kingston KVR think this is it. Have two KVR400x64c3a/256
and other does not say manufacture: QM64DR64-M75328.
Not sure if these are what ya want. Im not going to use them.
The KVR sticks are only 256mb, which won't do me any good. I already have a few of those. The other is a 512mb stick. I need 1gb sticks.
Everyone is making me feel bad for asking for money, but I have 2 1GB that meet your criteria. Want to make an offer?
Cheap as possible. $20??? But let me see what I get from Troncoso first.