Looking for old ddr1 memory


Staff member
As title says,

Looking for some 1gb sticks of either ddr333 or ddr400 memory. I'm trying to refurbish some older system so I can sell them. Looking for 4 or 6 sticks. Let me know what you got.
I have 2 x 512MB sticks of DDR333 - Super Talent
And 1 x 1GB stick of DDR400 - Crucial

I think I have some more at work that I used to use for testing. We don't support hardware that uses DDR1 anymore, so it's just sitting around. I'll check tomorrow.

They are yours, if you want them.
Yeah, let me know what you got and your price. Would prefer matching sticks but whatever works.
Yeah, let me know what you got and your price. Would prefer matching sticks but whatever works.


These are known as working and ran in my SBS2003 server for many happy years. $30 for the pair + Shipping if you're interested.

Part is PDC2G3200ELK and they are a kit of 1GB PC3200 pieces.
If I have more at work, it'd mostly be crucial. Just throw me your address in a PM and I'll send what I can find on Monday. No charge.
I might have a couple of DDR floating about somewhere, I have no way of knowing whether they will work or not though. When I get my IDE equipment down from the attic at some point, I can let you know, as I am selling a DDR1 board at some point.
I might have a couple of DDR floating about somewhere, I have no way of knowing whether they will work or not though. When I get my IDE equipment down from the attic at some point, I can let you know, as I am selling a DDR1 board at some point.

Well, you are in the UK and I'm in the USA so it really wouldn't be cost effective I would think.
Kingston KVR think this is it. Have two KVR400x64c3a/256
and other does not say manufacture: QM64DR64-M75328.
Not sure if these are what ya want. Im not going to use them.
Kingston KVR think this is it. Have two KVR400x64c3a/256
and other does not say manufacture: QM64DR64-M75328.
Not sure if these are what ya want. Im not going to use them.

The KVR sticks are only 256mb, which won't do me any good. I already have a few of those. The other is a 512mb stick. I need 1gb sticks.
The KVR sticks are only 256mb, which won't do me any good. I already have a few of those. The other is a 512mb stick. I need 1gb sticks.

Everyone is making me feel bad for asking for money, but I have 2 1GB that meet your criteria. Want to make an offer?