Led fan help

I ordered one from Wally World. Just one. I’ll see if it fits, it not easy to return. If it does fit and able to swap jacks out with raidmax fans. And I can test color change. Then I’ll order 2-3 more. All this just to get proper jacks
Whenever that cable adapter arrives, the first thing I’m gonna do is check to see if I can plug one side into Coolmoon jack. If so I’ll care fully remove the wires from the cable plug and swap THAT plug with one on a fan. Be careful to keep wires in SAME order. Then plug fan into Coolmoon controller and see if lights up and control color. If ALL that is successful, then I’ll quickly order 3 more of those cables just for Coolmoon jack
0C691B13-311B-42F3-B112-3F1134168984.jpegI chatted with Wally World thurs and they said they lost it in the mail. Told them to give me my $$ back. They agreed. I get notice from usps local post office has it at 4:35 pm. So it was delivered TODAY SMH. AND IT FITS COOLMOON CONTROLLER Now to change black connector with white one. Then I feel I’m in business
Sorry for the blurry picture. But if I number pins as seen 1-6 white pin is #2 grey stripped wire. #3 & #4 plain black The black fan has 6 wires I’ll number 1-6 #1 grey stripped wire #2-6 plain black The black connector has the wires molded in So I’ll have to cut the wires? 543026FD-8D3C-47C2-9041-512B5765FFF4.jpeg
Cutting them is an option. Chances are the connector has a lock tab somewhere that is not visible. If you cut them, to work in the other connector you will need to strip and crimp on a female connector. They look like this(ish). The square end should more or less fit into the conenctor slots perfectly


Also note the order of the wires. The first 2 are probably reversed from the fan.
Thank you I’m going to carefully cut away the wrong connector to see if useable this afternoon. Not home right now. I’m lookin at a JST 2mm kit. Combo deal with crumper. JST kit $10 alone small one. But has connectors. With crimp tool was $38 now $27 for both on Amazon
Ok. Yesterday afternoon the crumper and 6pin 2mm spacing connectors arrived. This morning I’m practicing/learning how to crimp. Biggest problem is my big hands. Have to use tweezers. I practiced with two connectors and 2nd one better that first. I’ll jump with both feet in this afternoon and go for it. Going out shortly.
Why didn't you just order fans and a controller? Why are you wasting time and money doing this?
I have about 5 extra fans and didn’t want any more. And I could use these on my computer. Or my 3d motorized projects. Also I can see in model railroading. So I thought it was a good move
There’s a striped wire out of the others plain black. With this marked wire be 12v,


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I looked closer at motor on fans and the wires. The striped wire goes directly to fan motor. So I’ll assume that’s the 12v wire. The wire along side is the first ground going directly to fan also.
Yes I’m aware. All 3 fans work when 12v supplied to striped+ and wire (Gand) next to striped. And all 3 work that way fan blade wise. But not when hooked up to Coolmoon controller. Then I read raidmax led fans only work with raidmax controllers. Proprietary
So now I’m looking for 3 fans that work with Coolmoon 6pin hub. Only thing I can find come with another hub. I don’t need 2 hubs