I upgraded the RAM and CD-drive on a gateway with a 333Mhz celeron at age 8 or 9. I did various upgrades ever since then. It wasn't until about 13 when I did my first full build. I've built dozens and dozens of comps since then but these are my own.
age 13
Athlon XP 2800+
Age 15:
Abit An8
Athlon 64 3200+
X800 pro
The one in my sig is my newest one, i built it last year and have been upgrading it in small chunks.
My next build will mot likely either be late i7 or whatever is the successor to the i7. I'm going to build it next year.
My config was pentium D
some crappy case with crapy PSU (didnt know about good PSUs then)
1 gig ram
MSI GPU some 7 series nvidia dont remember
used it for 1 year
i learned my lesson in computer building, i'm never going to use/reccommend asus again, worst rma process i've ever used so far, started 2 weeks ago, and i still haven't gotten the paperwork...
i learned my lesson in computer building, i'm never going to use/reccommend asus again, worst rma process i've ever used so far, started 2 weeks ago, and i still haven't gotten the paperwork...
Only problems i have with asus is their vast amount of bios updates for old boards.
Whoops, did i say vast? Oops... EG- a AMD 770 based board only supporting original Phenom, while i know someone with a gigabyte 680g board, that is microatx and cost $59.99 about 2 years ago, that could drop in a Phenom II 955 right now... XD
I got my first computer when I was 11. It was an old Tandy PC 1000 However, I didn't do THAT much with hardware until a year or two later. The middle school I was at got a donation of old PCs. Since all the computers they had were macs, I was able to get a few from them. So I built up my first 486 around that time