1 main household computer, 1 primary lab computer (yes, my garage is my 'lab'), a server under repair and a firewall. Looking forward to a computer show so I can build a couple more for folding.
4 right now in my parents house. 1 is mine. 2 are my dads and 1 is my moms. i am planning on finding a bunch of old computers and take them apart and put them back together again so i know how to do that so when i build my new computer i wont screw up. hopefully
Dad has his 1.1GHz Duron Desktop, 850MHz PIII laptop, 450MHz PII desktop, and 233MHz PII desktop. My bro has a 500MHz K6 laptop. He also has a Athlon XP 3200, but he leaves it at his apartment. I have my 1.33GHz Mac Mini, 1.6GHz Laptop, PIII 733MHz, Macintosh SE FDHD, 133MHz Sun Ultra1, Tandy 2500, Apple IIe, TRS-80 Coco II, and enough parts for one other computer. I'm selling all my parts off, and I'll have a new system in a few days/weeks. Nothing major, though.
At one point, I did have around 50, but obviously I'm cutting back
my laptop that my dad and brother have claimed as their own, my desktop, and file/print server(if i ever get round to leaving an os on it for more than a week)
One really old desktop, one Compaq desktop that the family uses, I can't stand it, my dad's work laptop, and my machine. I'm about to inherit two older computers as well from my friend.