I have seven. 6 PC's and a sigle laptop no macs I would love to get one though just to have a bit of a mess around on
1. a usable p1(thats if your willing to wait for the 30 minute startup)
2. some werid micro tower runnuing 98
3. my just retired compaq(about to be stripped )
4. my sisters mediocre desktop
5. My sig rig
6. some thing that is 7 times the size of a normal of a handheld but smaller then a laptop it has a handheld os so i guess thats what it is ( so techinally it dosen't really count.)
I have 6 computers currently.
I myself have 2 my pc I built over christmas and my new shiny 2.0 ghz macbook.
Then in my family we have 2 laptops and 2 desktops.
Hopefully I can get my granpas old computer and my uncles computer he is getting rid of. Pretty much junk computers but might be able to salvage some stuff out of them.
update: now have 7
1:hp with 98 installed
2:hp with 95 installed
3:hp I got for xmas
4:Custom build from a friend
5:getting a used laptop within next 2 months
6:buying custom from ipower
7lder laptop coming within mail
I've got 7. Don't know why, cause only 3 of them are ever used....... I mainly use my workstation and my laptop, but I also have an old AMD system that is in the basement.