Hot Deals

Little late but amazon had some lexar memory on sale today only, dad's getting a 128gb UDMA7 400x compact flash card for his d800 for 170 bucks
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The Mars III peaks its head. :) lol. In all reality, they are not worth the money. CF scaling is attrocious, and that aside multi GPU setups become diminishing returns at 2 cards, at 3 you're wasting money and at 4 you're compensating for other issues.
Also, would not trust the chips to last any time with that much heat and power in such a small package.
If I had the cash I would probably jump on this, but seeing as I don't I feel I should post it here!

There's a guy on eBay selling a GTX480 for £85 + £7 delivery.

It comes with a waterblock installed but I'm sure after selling that on you would have more than enough money for an aftermarket cooler!

Huge performance for the price IMO. I know it's old and uses a lot of power and will run hot, but if your PSU is up to it, you've got the performance equivalent of say a GTX570 for quite a good deal :)