Hot Deals

Shell shocker. Gskill cl8 memory for $12 off. Just picked me up a set since one of my corsair vengeance sticks took a crap on me.

Dang it, that's why you didn't buy my exact set. :P

128GB M4 SSD for $80:

Go to this site and click the 'redeem coupon.' $5 off. Only works with a new account, so you can just make a new one if you want:

good prices on games already, but they got a 20% off (one use on one game)


signed up for the newsletter a sec ago for future vouchers, like this site a lot already since all the games seem to be steam voucher codes
As it is a sticky, you can just edit your latest post, it will stay at/ near the top regardless

but then you'll have a deal only open today on a post from 5 weeks ago, doing a new post makes the thread bold so you actually see it and check it ;)
People check regardless, just because people don't always post doesn't mean they aren't watching the thread. People also get the bug where posts are seen as read, they don't stop checking threads though just because the forum says they are read