But the thing is, the components don't need to be that clean, ever. They just need to be dusted.
LoL I know they don't need to be that clean.But when I got those 5 old computers (including the 15 years old one I am using) in a firm that day and when I opened them,they were SO dirty and sticky and the smell was so horrible that I just couldn't stand it.It smelled like someone vomited in there.And believe it or not there were alive spiders inside.Not in EVERY computer,but in 3 of them.(And I don't really like spiders lol
So as you can see...dust was the smallest problem lol.Of course I first tryed to clean it without anything extreme such as a water and detergent (from the dishwasher),but then when I disassembled them (motherboard,processor,fans,cooler,HDD,floppy,CD-ROM,PSU and so on...),such a horrible smell came out AGAIN and it was even more dirty.I did try to clean that with a compressed air,wet tissues,hairdryer...,but it was just impossible to clean all that with a compressed air,wet tissues,hairdryer and so on because it was SO dirty and
smelly that it was impossible to clean all that without using any extreme methods.
And that SMELL....oh the smell...you should have smell it and feel it in order to know HOW SMELLY IT WAS LOL.Let's just say it smelled like a vomited crap from skunk animals.Yes it was THAT terrible believe it or not lol.
By the way in that moment I realized why I got those 5 old computers for free hahaha!
Anyway in that moment I got so angry (because of all that dirt and smell) and just said to myself:
And in that moment I was just thinking what extreme methods to use lol.Few hours later the dishwasher came to my mind and I decided to try it since I had nothing to lose anyway.I did get all those 5 computers for free anyway lol.
Once the dishwasher washed them all and once I took them out,they were like new and that HORRIBLE SMELL FINALLY WENT AWAY
.(Of course I did let them to dry in a very warm room for the next 5 days minimum).
I honestly don't know what the owners of those computers were doing with them in order to make them SO SMELLY,but I was SO DAMN HAPPY when that smell FINALLY went away after I took them out from the dishwasher.
ROFL I honestly do not even know how those spiders survived in there lmao xD !
Anyway now you know why I used that extreme method of cleaning lol.
Thank God I do not have to feel that smell again lol.Hopefully xD...
I would rather have HDD full of viruses because viruses do not smell lol.
Cheers everyone!