3DMARK06 Scores Here

geoff5093 said:
why dont you just use the demo? There really was no reason to pay for 3DMark 03/05, since the tests werent really that much different from the PRO and Basic version. IF your going to pay for one though, pay for the '06 since the PRO version includes HDR tests, as well as SM3.0.

it was the demo, i was just way behind in getting it, partially because i've only had my computer for little more than a month
geoff5093 said:
they cap it off if you dont have an account, if you do have an acount then they cap it off at 500. Accounts are free BTW.

hmm...musta read the wrong thing :p i have an account but my verizon dsl sucks..so im not gonna get over 250 anyways. Good thing we're switching over to fios soon :D

Pretty nice score for my set huh? :D
anybody else get it from Guru3d and need a 7-zip password or know what it is?
nvm, it's 66guru3d.com68!
guess I shoulda payed more attention

anywho, 1720 is mine on an x800xl
anybody else getting 0fps in the cpu tests or is it just me?
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Oh man I did better than I though! (besides hitting a high of 5 FPS on the gfx. test and .438 FPS on the CPU test :p) Here is a screen from the thing and my results I think the resolution (1280x1024) killed me the most:

ok, just downloaded it, and ran it...

CPU @ 2.3 Ghz, GPU @ 460/1200:


I'm gonna oc some more tomorrow, and try and get those extra 4 points! :D
Wow Rambo nice score!! :)

BTW 34erd- Took me 2 1/2 hours, plus I had to wait in line fore 30 minutes.... stupid overcrowded servers...
suprasteve said:
anybody else getting 0fps in the cpu tests or is it just me?
I get 0 FPS as well, but when i overclocked i got 1FPS for a few seconds, then back down to 0.
Old LCD that can only display 1024 X 768... and my CRT's broken.

Maybe I can hook it up to my brothers laptop but he wont let me.
I got 2178 on default settings. Are you guys all using default settings? Why in the heck am I getting such bad scores?

Heres the breakdown:
3DMarks: 2178
SM 2.0 Score: 887
HDR/SM 3.0 Score: 839
CPU Score: 921