Your Best game ever on any platform?


I have to say Unreal Tournament 2004 is my best game! GTA:SA ....just does not do it for me (and the graphics are cheap). I don't want to get into an argument because, I, unlike others, realize that it's up to individual preferences ;).

SONY's "legend of dragoon" on PSX. gosh i wish they would make a new one for the PS2... it'll be on my top list.. played it twice.. its the best!
1)final fantasy 7 psx
2)conkers bad fur day n64
3)zelda ocarina of time n64
4)final fantasy tactics psx
5)halo 1 + halo 2 xbox
GTA San Andreas takes the first place in best games ever no doubt about that, but Half Life 2 and UT2004, best games after San Andreas.
on pc.. wll .. i like doom 3 qite mch, te battlefield series, and the halflife series.
on xbox, halo, halo 2, battlefront and ghost recon 2
on the gamecube: oqe leader 2, 3 and eternal darkness sanitys requiem :)