Yo How much?

so are you selling now or what?

If I can get the stuff in my pc for 2,000euros then yes of course. I wouldn't tell my dad though. I would just takes them out 1 by 1 and leave the case their and when I get my MBP I'll connect it to the monitor and say the pc is running through the cables but its not physically on:D
If I can get the stuff in my pc for 2,000euros then yes of course. I wouldn't tell my dad though. I would just takes them out 1 by 1 and leave the case their and when I get my MBP I'll connect it to the monitor and say the pc is running through the cables but its not physically on:D

Since you would need your parent's approval to sell the computer, I would assume they bought it for you. I wouldn't go sneaking around behind their back, because there is always that chance that things won't go as planed and your parents will eventually find out. Like stated earlier, your screwed. Just keep the system you have now, it's nicer than the majority of computers out there right now, be happy with what you have for a while.
My pc is listed on www.buyandsell.ie its still pending and at a price of 2,888.00 Euros - I'll change the price after 2 weeks but if some one buys it = Yay me:D It will have SERVICE PACK 1 of Vista installed so the 4gb of ram is in there and being used which I found shocking. If anyone buys it, I would be like wow. - And this is not a scam I will give it to them honestly, It just doesnt come with a monitor,
Since my mum and dad split up I kind of have to sell this soon at a good price e.g 2,888.00 - Same price as the mbr I want and if I can get that I can get the 4gig of ram as I have 510euros saved - ram = 360 so like yea.