windows 7

I'm waiting for the next Windows, but without application softwares, except Internet Explorer, otherwise I can't go on the internet, to download all my favorite application softwares, includiing my favorite browser.
Most MS Application Softwares are mediocre and beaten by the competition.
Until then I will use winXPproSP2 as long as possible.
win 7

I just upgraded to Win 7 and it's very slick, I'm really impressed so far. I was stuck with Vista for two years and even though it drove me insane every day I actually learnt a lot about how to fix problems, so did actually get something good out of it. I think a lot are still attached to XP but Win 7 is very nice imo.

You can go into Programs and Features>Features and disable all kinds of junk in 7. And there's plenty of tweaks that you can find all over the Internet. 7 is great though, MS did a good job with it like they did with XP.