W7, If not now then when
I've used Vista, XP, and 2000, 98 & 95, also 3.1 and 3.0, and before all that I was on MSDOS using "C:\>"
I'm looking forward to a new OS because of better: hardware choices, speed and security. Face it, XP is becoming outdated. It was great in its time but its getting old.
Come-on people, 95 was great. But you changed from that didn't you? No matter how great XP may be, or how awful W7 may be; W7 is what's coming. How about embracing the new OS and getting used to it, shortcomings and all.
The change is going to happen, like it or not. And if you dont want to change, eventually you'll be left behind. Just like all those businesses who are STILL on 95. They cant find help for their systems and nothing runs faster than a turtles pace. Do you want to be them?
I like XP but I'll have to change, and I think W7 will be the best one yet. With MS working with so many people on the outside, its bound to be better. If anything we should applaud what MS doing! They have opened their doors to outsiders so that they can have a better product. Not many companies in the world are willing to do that.