WiFi Issue

If you are still getting the message about an issue with your wireless adapter, do you get an option to diagnose the issue?
i did, i think it said if i wanted to find a solution, but i don't get internet when im at school or in my car, usually at home i have internet, to which i am automatically connected
well im not getting that message when im at home i get when im in my car and try to connect to public wifi thats when i cant connect and it says that if i want to find a solution
Are you trying to connect to an unsecured router or one with security assigned to it?
yes, when i connect to unsecured one it says that problem with wireless adapter and when i connect to a secured one it says that i need a security key
Well if its a secured connection, you definately need a key to access it. However, if its unsecured, you should be able to connect with no issues. You may have to delete your existing wireless connection settings and reset them up.
go into the network and sharing center and on the left, you should see where it says manage wireless connections. Go in there and you should see your home wireless connection and others. I would delete all but your home connection and try connecting again.
You will just have to try and see. If it still don't work, not sure what to tell you to do.
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Yes, I also meet this kind of question. Maybe you can try to buy a router. But this kind of way seems also has distance limitation