which linux to download

I used to use Ubuntu Version 10.04. I prefer "Linux Mint" 32-bit version 11 now. Ubuntu is going down a road presently that I do not like.

I have also tried Linux Mint Version 12 and it ran sluggish. I did not like how it was.

Best Linux operating systems are Linux Mint 11 32-bit and Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit from my experience.
You'd almost think he gets a commission for it or something...

In case anyone missed the 1200 posts in this thread advertising Mihir's remastered Ubuntu 10.04 that can be downloaded from his school's server, please read the following:


Some testimonials:

Wow Linus said that


Because that version is really good,and one of the points in this discussion was about Ubuntu 10.04 not coming with a lot of software, but the remastered version does come with a lot of software.

And I played a major role setting up that server and was the one to convince my teacher to set it up. So yeah i hope it comes in handy to someone.
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I'm mucking about in Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2

I really do like Unity's dock; but the rest of the package seriously resembles Vista, and not in a good way.

I am hoping that things will work better once Precise goes final.
It is so sad to me that Ubuntu version 10 was so good and then programmers just messed up the operating system in versions released after that. I liked Ubuntu because it ran so well and was very resistant to malicious software. Now it is just so sluggish.

Using Ubuntu 11 made me feel like I had a Pentium 4 2.0 gigahertz processor with 512 megabytes of RAM.
It is so sad to me that Ubuntu version 10 was so good and then programmers just messed up the operating system in versions released after that. I liked Ubuntu because it ran so well and was very resistant to malicious software. Now it is just so sluggish.

Using Ubuntu 11 made me feel like I had a Pentium 4 2.0 gigahertz processor with 512 megabytes of RAM.

The good news is, 12.04 seems to be running much better than 11.04 did. It boots slightly faster than 10.4, but that may be due to newness of the install (and therefore less customization on my part).
The good news is, 12.04 seems to be running much better than 11.04 did. It boots slightly faster than 10.4, but that may be due to newness of the install (and therefore less customization on my part).

I'm a little irritated that I can't just run a shell script; I have to actually open a terminal and type in $sh script.sh (or create a launcher for it).

I'm also torqued that there is no way to turn off the sound at the login prompt.
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I started using ubuntu 8.04 and honestly 11.10 is a pretty good release. Never had any problems and pretty fast.

I think the thing that many do not realize is that the developers of Ubuntu are not trying to build another Linux Distro, They have made in many comments in interviews that they are after Apple OSX which means they will have to make some corperate decisions. By no means am I saying that Ubuntu is on par with OSX (in m eyes and use it is) but for a Free OS using 98% free software they are doing a hell of a job maintaining there own GUI and Distro.