What would you call your RECYCLE BIN!?

Recycle Bin... WHERE??? lol, i have mine deleted/disabled. I delete everything i dont use though, so thats why im only using about 90gigs of my drives atm(just reformatted though, gotta install all my games still, stupid hard drive failure>_>).

Ha i used to keep mine hidden aswell i just used CCleaner every now again for the clean-up :D
Ha i used to keep mine hidden aswell i just used CCleaner every now again for the clean-up :D

lol, but i actually have mine turned off so instead of going there they are just straight deleted. Who cares if you accidentally delete a 3gb file accidentally and have to redownload it... Well, i do but recycle bin was too much of a hassle imo.
lol, but i actually have mine turned off so instead of going there they are just straight deleted. Who cares if you accidentally delete a 3gb file accidentally and have to redownload it... Well, i do but recycle bin was too much of a hassle imo.

Haha FairDoos but thats why i didnt have mine fully disabled just deleted the icon from the desktop :P
"Sluice Bucket"
"Sewage Pit"
"Shite Shredder"
"Poo Pit"
"The Muck Mangle"
"The Dump"
"File Flusher"