what would be a good sound card for me?

I already miss the Audigy 4 Pro from the last build. The Gamer was just seen at newegg for $79.99 with free shipping on it. It went up a buck I see.
sound card..

The Gamer is the way to go if you have the extra cash..ive had mine almost a year and very happy..it has 3 differant modes you can set it to and in game mode you can hear a crickett fart while artillery is going in BF2.!! AND REMMBER its all up to you!!,anythings better then Asus onboard sound MUAHHHH
Are you kidding the Gamer is now seen for about the exact same price as the Audio model when you shop around a little. When buying the Audio here newegg only had an open box for the Gamer. Now there's a mail in rebate for $1 more seen pricewise. I paid $80 for both models.
ya its been a while on my last build, i got mine for about a Ben..still using ma old gamer in new buildso really havnt researched prices..
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When first going to put the new build together here newegg only had an open box Gamer for $80 so I walked into a Staples and saw the Audio and Musiz models with the Audio retail for $80. The Xtreme Music was $100 there. I bought the Audio model there.

The problem seen with the Audio wasn't the card itself but the auto web updater slapping Vista drivers either by the installer, MS update site, or when selecting XP at the Creative support site. The modes were frozen for creativity in XP and Entertainment in Vista where the volume, bass, and tremble controls were seen not in XP hpwever. The sound wasn't any problem just the software side.