New Member
Firefox is my favorite....I hate internet explorer........
should have stated Internet Explorer 6 or under
and had a seperate one for Internet Explorer 7 beta... cus IE7 is way different
chrome is the best and faster browser for me
I guessI don't remember seeing Opera for iPhone though. I've been on there to try to get it for my Axim, so I went through the list, but don't remember seeing it. It could most likely have been developed by a third party.
Opera for Mac sucks. I don't know why the heck it does this long delay of the typed text appearing on the screen. Maybe it doesn't like my architecture, idk.
I gave up on IE a long time ago. I don't understand how it is still fairly popular.
Does Anyone know of less popular web browsers?
I've used IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera.
Tried safari for a while. Hated it. I like to run tabs, and it doesn't have support for that.
Trying opera now. will be back to either pro or con it.
The main reason why Firefox 3 is a browser that is favoured by geeks, is that it is so fast and light. Web pages are normally a lot faster to load in Firefox 3 because they have a much quicker javascript engine than IE, thus making web pages load in your browser quicker.
I have used Firefox 3 Web Browser.Firefox has always been a tech geeks favourite browser. The new version of Firefox is Firefox 3 in which has more theme, add-ons and features than ever before. The main reason why Firefox 3 is a browser that is favoured by geeks, is that it is so fast and light. Web pages are normally a lot faster to load in Firefox 3 because they have a much quicker javascript engine than IE, thus making web pages load in your browser quicker.
wouldn't that appeal to non geeks as well?
I think he means that geeks are the only people who know that other browsers exist besides IE. Trust me, there's a lot of noobs out there who think IE is the only way to surf the web.