No seriously though, you're still on the same installation of XP after all these years?
Yep I am still on the same installation which I made in 2004. Hard to believe
And yes it works fast.It did not slow down like it happens to most of the people.The reason why it happens to them is simply because they install tons of crap which they never delete or simply do not know how...not to mention all the viruses and registry mistakes which happens to them AND WHAT NOT...
Everything that I DO on the other hand I do it always super careful and NEVER EVER do bullsh!it on the computer lol such as surfing all over the porn sites without a REALLY good antivirus protection ON.
I am not saying I watch porn lol...it was just an example.
I mean...I know SO MANY MANY MANY people who install 10 different programs for burning DVDs,10 different programs for text editing and so on...in short...10 different programs for EVERYTHING...that's just stupid lol.
Now...that will NOT slow the the PC at ALL if you do everything properly,but most of the people do not do it properly lol and with time they install TONS of tollbars and other crap which goes with it,they improperly modify the registry and other data (wether it is OS data or some program's data) and what not...And then they ask them selves WHY XP WORKS SLOW lol.
Hell I am using computer from 1998. on which I was using Windows 98 SE all until 2004. until I finally installed XP and NEVER reinstalled it ever since until THIS DAY and everything works like it is a brand new fresh install.And by BRAND NEW FRESH INSTALL I literally mean just that.And by JUST THAT I mean:
1. In July of 2004. I completely erased entire HDD with an ERASE tool such as KILL DISK or DBAN.Back in July of 2004. I used some other ERASE tool (can't remember the name right now).In short it did the same as KILL DISK or DBAN do.
2. Installed Windows XP with SP1 from the original CD-ROM disk and later during the time I also installed SP2 and SP3 when they came out,BUT DID NOT INSTALL ANY OTHER UPDATES TO OPERATING SYSTEM AND OTHER INSTALLED PROGRAMS AT ALL!
WHY?Because there was NO REASON to do it since everything was working perfectly.This is pretty important since people ALWAYS tend to install ALL updates as soon as they come out for NO REASON.I always say that update(s) should be installed ONLY if you need to fix a specific OS problem(s) which is/are PRESENT on your PC and it bothers you in your work.Otherwise if you do not have those problems present on your PC AT ALL then there is NO POINT in installing updates to fix the problems which you simply DO NOT HAVE...
But of course nobody is listening to me lol and they all run and rush to install ALL THE UPDATES...EVERY SINGLE ONE FOR NO REASON LOL and after that they complain that XP (or other OS) sucks and works slow...
Well of course it works like crap lol...think again why
3. Installed all the drivers.Never updated them ever since.Again...UPDATE ONLY IF YOU NEED TO.For example...a game shows textures wrong because the textures in game are NEW and cannot execute properly on older video driver technology because you are using old video drivers and ONLY new updated video driver can solve that.Okay in THAT CASE it is LOGICAL to update the video driver.
But if all the textures are showed PERFECTLY THEN THERE IS NO POINT IN UPDATING THE VIDEO DRIVER LOL.Same applies for ALL other installed drivers such as: chipset,video,sound,LAN,wireless LAN,modem (if any) and so on...
4. Oh and yes...I have TONS of programs installed plus 25 of them start automatically at Windows startup (and tons of icons are showed in Windows taskbar notification area lol) and my old PC from 1998. with XP installed back in July of 2004. still works perfectly.Many people say that more programs you have installed,the slower PC will work.
Well...that is NOT true lol.PC works slow if YOU do something wrong lol.
5. So...conclusion...if my old PC from 1998. with XP installed in July of 2004. works so great until this moment as I am writing this and if OTHER people who have a LOT better computer's hardware need to reinstall OS so often because it starts to work "SLOW?!?!?!" then OBVIOUSLY they do not know how to operate the computer properly lol.
6. Of course if hardware part(s) such as HDD dies then yes reinstallation is neccessary and it can happen to ANYONE no matter how much computer knowledge you have.THAT'S DIFFERENT,but otherwise...reinstalling OS so often because it STARTS TO WORK slow in just few months...that is just stupid and it perfectly shows that a person DOES NOT KNOW how to properly do things on the computer.
Anyway that is why I have 6 fans cooling my HDD so I extend it's life as much as possible lol since SUPER HOT HDD without ANY cooling is suffering and lives shorter.I will show you that in my main UAC data complex center working environment video also (together with everything else
I am going to make)...I think I mentioned that in "Post a pic of your PC" thread.
And of course I have my HDD cloned on my UAC data device I made so if HDD EVER dies (hopefuly never lol),I just need to replace dead HDD with the new one and simply copy everything back without the need to reinstall and readjust absolutely ANYTHING
And no I am not using ANY programs for that lol.I use simple Linux Ubuntu for that purpose.
Why do you reinstall so often?...
I am wondering the SAME thing since 1995. lol.