what games are you waiting to be released 2005?

The-Llamalizer said:
I left out Battlefield 2. That looks very sweet but it doesn't really count cause stupid EA moved it back to 2006.
Actually it's supposed to be released in either june or july this year.
I'm waiting on FFXII but that might be another year (or 2 :eek: )yet. I liked the Zelda games from the original Nintendo and Link to the Past but not owning a GameCube I haven't played the recent incarnations.
your missing out crom. Windwaker, zelda fourswords and from the looks of it, this new zelda for gamecube are awesome. A lot of people looked at windwaker and didn't like that they cell shaded it but it fits the game perfectly...and what a storyline! If you actually take the time to play the game and not judge it based on looks i think you would enjoy both windwaker and four swrods. Fourswords goes back to "A link ot the past" graphic and itnerface style. Plus some new stuff obviously. Its a sweet game.
Yeah I heard a lot of good things about windwalker but I'm not going to buy a gamecube for 1 game, I don't have that kind of money to throw around
A Link to the Past was an awesome game. I want them to hurry up and make a Need for Speed Underground 3. I don't want to buy a PSP to play NFSU Rivals.

I also want Blizzard to get of their lazy asses and make Starcraft 2.
for one game?
Buy the naruto fighting game (the third one)
tales of symphonia
super smash
metroid prime
metroid prime 2
mario kart
mario sunshine
star fox assault
timesplitters (all system)
Resident evil 4 (if you are a fan, i am not)
paper mario 2
xmen legends
sonic mega collections
mega man anniversary
goldeneye rogue agent (sweet single palyer sucky multi)
The new zelda (shoudl downlad the trailers, AMAZING)
FF crystal chronicles
just a few of the games i enjoy on gamecube, maybe not for you but it hink there is at least a little something for everyone there.

and id rather get doom 3 for pc