What are you currently playing?

yeah, when I first saw LoL I was a bit skeptical, but it is really addictive once you get a bit into it. I usually play support :), but I like playing every role. My fav. champions are Soraka, Teemo, Leona and Annie (I only play girl characters or cute animals lol), what character do you usually play? :)

Lulu op then, she has both ;)

Support is my main role as well, though I can fill in jungle if my supp gets picked.

If I'm supporting, Nunu, Sona, Soraka or Blitz. For jungle, Lee Sin, Udyr, Kha Zix (not his strong point imo). I want to give ap Trynd jungle a shot though, all the epic heals and spins :D
If it's back to that circa then that's right when I played it all the time. could be fun to check it out.
Games I've played the most of ever would be Runescape (played through out late elementary school and middle school), WoW, Guild Wars 1, and TF2.
I've been playing games exclusively with friends and bots mostly. I feel like I'm good then I get on a public server and realize I'm not. Also the community in that game has gone down hill from the last few games I've played.

I've been playing with bots and realizing the same thing on the public servers. It's like every one of them are on drugs or drink redbull all the time.
Fallout New Vegas

So I headed into this random shack to use a bed and grab some supplies... as I was leaving, an entire hit squad of Caesar's Legion walks in, says nothing, and walks out. I jumped so hard my knees hit my desk. I didn't know what to do after that, so I walked outside and got mauled as they were standing right next to the door, guns blazing.