Attempting to play through The Witcher right now. For something that won GOTY, this is god-awful. The part I'm currently stuck on goes something like this:
*climb down to a cave, bust some faces, find a kid you know...go to leave*
*break down a wall on the way out...another character is there, in now we've completely changed which plot line we're on?*
*sex scene*
*Where the heck did the kid go?*
*exit cave*
*long dialogue*
*long cutscene*
*Wha...boss fight!? No save in between? Has little to do with either of the plot lines that are being juggled? WTF?*
*fight starts, have to wait a full second or so while he pulls his sword out*
*wait another second to drink the health potion to replace health lost while pulling out sword*
*oh f* npc friend's died less than 10 seconds in. I don't want her to die, so I'll reload.*
*more cutscene/dialogue*
*repeat first fight...cutscene again*
*fight starts again. Ignore boss, run away, pull out sword, attack the things attacking friend*
*use trial and error to figure out which style will hit them and which one will have me flailing uselessly...there's no visual cue*
*kill a few of them*
*attack dog in between me and friend...character has to run all the way around friend to attack the dog that was right in front of him*
*Alright...minions are dead, now for the boss. why can't I hit him?*
*oh...he's outside the invisible wall. Since I can't walk there, I can't attack there, but he can still attack me...?*
*run away to lure him back*
*oh f*ck, my magic powers that I put a good 1/3 of my skill points in do absolutely nothing?!*
*Get hit, begin five second bleeding animation*
*friend is dead again*
*Now I'm dead*
*load, cutscene again*
*rinse, repeat*
*go on forum, find out that friend doesn't actually die when she's killed*