wanted-gpu,cpu,ram,h/d socket775 build

yes i am interested in your cpu nevakonaza (give me your price)

and im interested in one of them hard drives and the 2 sticks of ram mac550...

you guys are gonna have to hang on until next week now, just spent £30 on a headset and £260 on a washing machine lol

bout time you get a washing machine, i've smelled your 'funky snair' from the States for weeks :P
an e2200 is 45 pounds over here. so i'd say 40 and 5 to ship? PM me if your interested or if my conversions is totally f***ed up lol

you dont want me come knocking on your door and kick your asse do you? :P
i'll just have my cockatiel tear your ass apart! it's 13 years old and he'll **** you up! lol. while whistling the 'Andy Griffith Show' theme song, and saying 'pretty bird'..
I have an ac freezer 7 pro lying around I'll sell for cheap if you want a good aftermarket fan.