350 for elimina8or's, and 300 for laz's
alright, here goes
asus maximus formula (or rampage formula, depens on what i get back )
4gb corsair xms ram (800mhz)
2 3870's (on watercooling)
1 250gb disk and a 500gb disk, both 7200 rpm
thermaltake kandalf lcs (full tower)
350 for elimina8or's, and 300 for laz's
oh my GOD!! its ELIMIN8OR!!! No, "a" and no "t"(someone else did that)
thanks for pricing mine first!
$600 - $700
hey i'm sick oh, and i almost typed "eliminator"
1. antec trio 850watt psu brand new
Any computer over 2 years old (unless it is a Mac) is probably worth around $200 maybe $300 tops
Any computer over 2 years old isn't worth much at all, maybe $100 to $200 max.
Anything over 5+ years old is a paper weight get rid of it.
do you mean laptops and desktops?