The Proper Way to Deal with Wall-Hackers

lol, I think some people have several screws loose, it is ridiculous how people can take things so damn serious, there isn't any need to do it in the first place, but over a game :confused: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn
Some people are just nuts. A couple years ago this guy shot another guy to death outside a liquor store down the street from me. You know why he did it? When he held the door open for the guy who was coming out, the guy coming out didn't say thank you to him. So he flipped out, went to his car and grabbed a gun and shot the guy to death. For not saying thank you.

Some people are just freaking crazy.
And it's people like that that cause liberal whackjobs to try and suddenly ban guns for everyone because something like this might happen.
ROFL...I thought the same in the back of my mind. Chinese are scary.

Nah this is exactly what a dictator LOVES to see...his little future army of psychos.

Not if they're facing the other way and you right click!! I'm surprised how many CSS players don't know what right clicking with the knife does. so for the dummies:

left click: fast, less damage (not sure on exact amount)

right click: slower, 65 damage.

And if you right click them from behind and they haven't seen you at all, the should die. and nerd rage.
Confucius say: Oriental who gets turned around become disoriented.

That is insane. Over a game, really? You would end some one else life?