The Future of Computers

This is my prediction for the future of computing:
2015: Too much PC World?
2020: Desktop computers will never go obsolete that soon, they will persist in some form until holographic imaging is invented. But would anyone want to have no choice but to buy their computer from a manufacturer instead of having the fun of buying your own parts and putting it together yourself? I don't think so, and I'm sure there's quite a few other who will agree.
2025: MS will monopolize two thirds of the market, or greater, as they have for 20 odd years. Google is an upstart in the field, and there is a possibility of the FSD/GNU guys having a small chance at more users. Apple almost went bankrupt when they did support PCs with their Mac OS, back in the 90s or 80s, and do you know why? Because of pirates. Steve Jobs ended that when he came back.
2030: Possible. Bill Gates most certainly has one. But last time I checked, we're not Bill Gates, are we?
2035: I'm thinking of the global rise in people who hardly know anything because they have darn chips embedded in their heads and just google whatever anybody asks them. Then you have cyborgs, and it's too horrifying to imagine if someone hacks into your brain :eek:
2040: Let's hope CF is still around.
Well I hate laptops, and I hate touch screen pish for any work that needs to be remotely professional. I use my laptop with a 27" screen and a wireless mouse and keyboard 95% of the time, so I can't see the desktop every really going away. After all, I want to work at my desk.

Apple, in my opinion, make the best kit out there. The macbooks and macbook pros are fantastic little things, and I love using them. The Imacs are a complete bargin, and work like a dream. And my mac pro is nearly 5 years old now, and still works as well as the day I bought it. No o/s re-installs, no 'clean-outs', just constant use. The various iphone, ipad and ipod devices would be my and most people I knows' first choice. Why would a company like this go bust?

20 years time, I don't see huge changes. I imagine there will be a pretty solid wireless internet grid across the developed world, leading to greater networking between devices - traditional USB style transfer connections will be disappearing. That's about it.

Unless someone susses out single point 3d projection. That'd be cool.