Well I hate laptops, and I hate touch screen pish for any work that needs to be remotely professional. I use my laptop with a 27" screen and a wireless mouse and keyboard 95% of the time, so I can't see the desktop every really going away. After all, I want to work at my desk.
Apple, in my opinion, make the best kit out there. The macbooks and macbook pros are fantastic little things, and I love using them. The Imacs are a complete bargin, and work like a dream. And my mac pro is nearly 5 years old now, and still works as well as the day I bought it. No o/s re-installs, no 'clean-outs', just constant use. The various iphone, ipad and ipod devices would be my and most people I knows' first choice. Why would a company like this go bust?
20 years time, I don't see huge changes. I imagine there will be a pretty solid wireless internet grid across the developed world, leading to greater networking between devices - traditional USB style transfer connections will be disappearing. That's about it.
Unless someone susses out single point 3d projection. That'd be cool.